City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Administrative Reg - 1995 - 01-95 - Finance - Exemption of Manufacturing Equipment, Effective December 29, 1995 Office of the City Clerk 125.3 KB RULE/3
Administrative Reg - 1995 - 02-95 - Finance - Exemption of Consumable Manufacturing Materials, Effective December 29, 1995 Office of the City Clerk 123.5 KB RULE/4
Administrative Reg - 2009 - 08-09 - Public Works and Planning - Code of Ordinances; Allowed Lane Closures on City Arterial Streets, Dated December 22, 2009 Office of the City Clerk 184.3 KB RULE/128
Administrative Reg - 2010 - 01-10 - Transportation Engineering - Speed - Ridgeway Drive from Ridges Blvd to Ridgeway Court & Ridgeway Court from Ridgeway Drive to Plateau Drive & Plateau Drive from Ridgeway Court to Mariposa Drive Office of the City Clerk 180.2 KB RULE/129
Administrative Reg - 2010 - 02-10 - Transportation Engineering - Speed - D Road from 29 Road to 30 Road Office of the City Clerk 148.6 KB RULE/130
Administrative Reg - 2010 - 04-10 - Transportation Engineering - Speed - Spyglass Drive from B Road to All Connecting Streets Within Spyglass Subdivision Office of the City Clerk 149.9 KB RULE/133
Administrative Reg - 2011 - 36-4-1-01-2011 - Transportation Engineering - Speed - 24 1/2 Road from G Road to I-70 Overpass Office of the City Clerk 150.2 KB RULE/134
Administrative Reg - 1998 - 02-98 - Transportation Engineering - Speed - F 1/4 Road from 24 1/2 Road to 25 Road Office of the City Clerk 102.2 KB RULE/136
Administrative Reg - 1998 - 03-98 - Transportation Engineering - Speed - 1st Street from Orchard Avenue to Patterson Road Office of the City Clerk 101.6 KB RULE/137
Administrative Reg - 1998 - 04-98 - Transportation Engineering - Speed - G Road from 25 Road to 26 Road Office of the City Clerk 101.3 KB RULE/138
Administrative Reg - 1998 - 05-98 - Transportation Engineering - Speed - Unaweep Avenue from 27 Road to Highland Drive Office of the City Clerk 93.9 KB RULE/140
Administrative Reg - 1999 - 01-99 - Transportation Engineering - Speed - West Ridges Blvd from E. Ridges Blvd to School Ridge Drive Office of the City Clerk 101.6 KB RULE/141
Administrative Reg - 1999 - 02-99 - Transportation Engineering - Speed - Pine Street from Unaweep Avenue to End of Pine Street Office of the City Clerk 101.5 KB RULE/142
Administrative Reg - 1999 - 12-99 - Transportation Engineering - Speed - Texas Avenue from 12th Street to 14th Street Office of the City Clerk 102.4 KB RULE/149
Administrative Reg - 1995 - no # - Visitor and Convention Bureau - Special Event Funding Policy, Dated September, 1995 Office of the City Clerk 117.2 KB RULE/150