City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Ordinance No. 0820 (Word Version) - 1950 Office of the City Clerk 22.5 KB ORD/1174
Ordinance No. 2702 - 1993 Office of the City Clerk 54.6 KB ORD/4924
Ordinance No. 2764 (Word Version) - 1994 Office of the City Clerk 30.0 KB ORD/5045
Ordinance No. 2940 (Word Version) - 1996 Office of the City Clerk 14.5 KB ORD/5393
Ordinance No. 3057 - 1998 Office of the City Clerk 53.7 KB ORD/5626
Ordinance No. 3357 (Word Version) - 2001 Office of the City Clerk 22.5 KB ORD/6225
Ordinance No. 3604 - 2004 Office of the City Clerk 492.1 KB ORD/6718
Deed - 2835 and 2837 D Road - Riverside Parkway Road Right-of-Way (Along Summer Glen Subdivision) - Darter, LLC. Office of the City Clerk 282.8 KB DDOC/408
Deed - Lot 2 of Haggerty's First Subdivision - Right-of-Way for On-off S. 5th St Bridge State Hwy Topics Project - Frank M. Dunn Office of the City Clerk 192.6 KB DDOC/411
Deed - West Orchard Ave Lot 15 Shaw's Subdivision Westlake - Lauretta C. Duran Office of the City Clerk 182.0 KB DDOC/414
Deed - Bookcliff Avenue Between 7th and 12th Street - for Utility Purposes - Lot 1, Hartman Subdivision - Joanne Duran (Joanne Powell) Office of the City Clerk 169.9 KB DDOC/416
Deed - 25-1/2 Road Between Brenna Way and Westwood Drive - Right-of-Way for Bridge Replacement At Grand Valley Canal - David V. Christensen and Dixie Christensen Office of the City Clerk 249.4 KB DDOC/418
Deed - 2204 North 1st Street, Right-of-Way North First Street Orchard Avenue To Patterson, Lot 5. Hillcrest Manor Subdivision - David W. Klements Office of the City Clerk 194.6 KB DDOC/420
Deed - 580 25 Road , Canvas Products - Dykstra Enterprises, Inc. [By; Thomas D. Dykstra, President] Office of the City Clerk 159.2 KB DDOC/423
Deed - Desert Vista Estates - Outlot " B" - Non-exclusive Easement for Motorized and Non-motorized Ingress and Egress - Property Received In Exchange of Real Estate With Dyer LLC Office of the City Clerk 437.4 KB DDOC/425