City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed - North Ave Lot 1 Block 1 Meeks Subdivision Right-of-Way - William H. and Averial A. Buttolph Office of the City Clerk 186.7 KB DDOC/172
Deed - 2824-1/2 Texas Ave, Right-of-Way 28-1/4 Road, for Right-of-Way - Hubert D. Butcher, Marquita K. Lines, Danny L. Butcher, and Buford L. Butcher Office of the City Clerk 223.4 KB DDOC/175
Deed - 41st Street, for Street and Utility Right-of-Way (Pear Rd) - Clarence Cook and Ruth M. Cook Office of the City Clerk 206.0 KB DDOC/282
Deed - 2102 North 1st Street, Right-of-Way, North First Street, Orchard Ave To Patterson Avenue - Dale G. Cole and Kimberly J. Cole Office of the City Clerk 395.2 KB DDOC/378
Deed - Grand Valley Canal Right-of-Way At Crown Point Cemetery - James L. Duckitt, John B. Scott, and William O Cartinell, Trustees Office of the City Clerk 249.9 KB DDOC/407
Deed - 2835 and 2837 D Road - Riverside Parkway Road Right-of-Way (Along Summer Glen Subdivision) - Darter, LLC. Office of the City Clerk 282.8 KB DDOC/408
Deed - Patterson Road Adjacent To Burkey Park Property - Gerald D. DuCray and Ted J. DuCray Office of the City Clerk 480.0 KB DDOC/409
Deed - 1412 Glenwood Avenue - Public Roadway and Utilities Right- Of-way Purposes, for Alley Improvement - Rema K Dunn Office of the City Clerk 219.9 KB DDOC/410
Deed - Lot 2 of Haggerty's First Subdivision - Right-of-Way for On-off S. 5th St Bridge State Hwy Topics Project - Frank M. Dunn Office of the City Clerk 192.6 KB DDOC/411
Deed - Patterson Road Right-of-Way 1st To 7th (North Side), 2632 F. Road Block B Fairmount Heights - Dan A. Dunn and Linda K. Dunn Office of the City Clerk 224.1 KB DDOC/413
Deed - West Orchard Ave Lot 15 Shaw's Subdivision Westlake - Lauretta C. Duran Office of the City Clerk 182.0 KB DDOC/414
Deed - 946 Bookcliff Avenue - Lot 1 - Hartman Subdivision - Correction of a Quit Claim Deed - Joanne Duran (Joanne Powell) Office of the City Clerk 158.3 KB DDOC/415
Deed - Bookcliff Avenue Between 7th and 12th Street - for Utility Purposes - Lot 1, Hartman Subdivision - Joanne Duran (Joanne Powell) Office of the City Clerk 169.9 KB DDOC/416
Deed - Elm Avenue At 28-3/4 ID-68 - Road, Utility and Irrigation Right-of-Way - Irwin E. Dutton and Helen A. Dutton Office of the City Clerk 310.7 KB DDOC/417
Deed - 25-1/2 Road Between Brenna Way and Westwood Drive - Right-of-Way for Bridge Replacement At Grand Valley Canal - David V. Christensen and Dixie Christensen Office of the City Clerk 249.4 KB DDOC/418