City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Annexation Map - 2006 - Ward/Mudge Information Technology 220.4 KB MAP/629
Power of Attorney - POA - 2515 Hwy 6 and 50 - C. R. Brown Oil Company C. Paul Brown Office of the City Clerk 97.3 KB POA/101
Power of Attorney - POA - High Country Business Park Lot 2 - Colorado Beverage Distributing Inc., Jack F. Studebaker Secretary Office of the City Clerk 145.6 KB POA/114
Power of Attorney - POA - High Country Business Park Lot 6 2945-152-05-006 - Colorado Beverage Distributing Inc., Jack F. Studebaker Office of the City Clerk 143.7 KB POA/118
Power of Attorney - POA - 2526 D Road, Rosevale Extension - Don Carpenter and Chris Olcott Office of the City Clerk 151.1 KB POA/120
Power of Attorney - POA - 2681 Unaweep Avenue - George Sang T. Chac Office of the City Clerk 110.8 KB POA/128
Power of Attorney - POA - 2690 Kimberly Drive - Lot 1, Block 1 First Addition, Bellavista Subdivision, Sec. 36, T1N 1W - Bill W and Nona G Chaffin Office of the City Clerk 104.6 KB POA/129
Power of Attorney - POA - 640 Hudson Bay Court - Castle Homes Incorporated, William J. Fitzgerald Office of the City Clerk 126.3 KB POA/131
Power of Attorney - POA - 222 29 Road - Chipeta Golf Course Inc. Ned Anthony Wilson Office of the City Clerk 172.3 KB POA/132
Power of Attorney - POA - 1351 Pinyon Avenue 2945-122-04-008 Smith Subdivision - Michael E. Clark and Trudy L. Hutchison Clark Office of the City Clerk 103.4 KB POA/142
Power of Attorney - POA - 628 South Surrey Court Lot 3 Country Squire Subdivision - David E. Combs and B. Jeannie Combs Office of the City Clerk 76.6 KB POA/149
Power of Attorney - POA - 704 Galaxy - Lot 2, Block 2, Galaxy Subdivision - Bill and Dianne Cremmens Office of the City Clerk 104.2 KB POA/153
Power of Attorney - POA - 1156 Hill Avenue - Elaine L. Carpenter (Revoked) Office of the City Clerk 220.9 KB POA/157
Power of Attorney - POA - 254 Thistle Street Lot 13 Thistle Street Subdivision 2943-301-28-020 - John Giancanelli Office of the City Clerk 106.5 KB POA/264
Forestry Advisory Board Agenda - 2012 - March 02 Office of the City Clerk 170.6 KB QJVBAGD/380