City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Ordinance No. 4137 (Word Version) - 2007 Office of the City Clerk 30.0 KB ORD/7785
Ordinance No. 4373 (Word Version) - 2009 Office of the City Clerk 29.0 MB ORD/8255
Deed - Gunnison Avenue (Road and Utility Purposes) - Wallace Corn, Muriel M. Corn Office of the City Clerk 246.8 KB DDOC/288
Deed - North Side of Patterson East of 15th - Bob Faith and Ben Miller Office of the City Clerk 144.1 KB DDOC/469
Deed - Orchard Avenue, 1100 Block, for Street and Utility Right-of-Way - Faith Baptist Church (Lawrence G. Hoggatt, Raymond L. Perry, Glenn Hallam, Frank J. Randall, Clarence O. Britton, Martin Pedersen) Office of the City Clerk 216.0 KB DDOC/470
Deed - Lot 46 of Block 13, Fairmount Subdivision - for Alley and Utility Right-of-Way Purposes 12th and Patterson - First Southern Baptist Church by W. W. Harris, Chairman of Trustees Office of the City Clerk 175.5 KB DDOC/471
Deed - 29 Road for Road and Utility Right-of-Way - Fennern Construction Inc. A Corporation Joel Fennern and Janet Fennern Office of the City Clerk 199.6 KB DDOC/474
Deed - Lots 7 and 8 of Block 65 Original Townsite - Federal Building and Loan Association by A. O. Johnson Office of the City Clerk 194.1 KB DDOC/477
Deed - 12th Street Cross Reference (Bookcliff Ave) - Federal Land Bank Association of Grand Junction By: Max A. Sisson (President) and William W. Tuell, Jr. (Secretary) Office of the City Clerk 220.9 KB DDOC/478
Deed - Patterson Road Right-of-Way North Side 24-1/2 To 25 - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, as Receiver of American National Bank of Grand Junction By: Robert F. Langworth (Asst. Managing Liquidator) Office of the City Clerk 175.5 KB DDOC/479
Deed - 451 Independent West Lake Park Right-of-Way, Poplar Drive - Melvin H. Feller and Ora W. Feller Office of the City Clerk 185.2 KB DDOC/480
Deed - F-1/4 Road Section 4 Right-of-Way - Fellston Partnership/ Gregg Cranston and Jay S. Fellhauer Office of the City Clerk 138.8 KB DDOC/481
Deed - 3291 D-1/2 Road, Land for Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way Purposes - Dean L and Cerona A Griffith Office of the City Clerk 169.1 KB DDOC/614
Deed - Prospect Park Right-of-Way, Metes and Bounds - Ada L. Gross, George Linker, Shirley Marie Linker, George J. Williams, Eva M. Williams, Donald W. Gifford, Frieda H. Gifford, Ben A. Monger, Lois E. Monger, Florence H. Dennis and Grace E. Curtis Office of the City Clerk 155.6 KB DDOC/619
Deed - 25 H Road North of G Road - GNT Development Corporation Office of the City Clerk 143.8 KB DDOC/623