City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed - West Mesa Ave. , Lot 11 Block 2 West Lake Park Annex No. 2, Right-of-Way, 1705 Juniper Street No. - Susan E. Hartman Office of the City Clerk 161.6 KB DDOC/661
Deed - Northwest Corner of Lot 1, Block 148, Original Townsite, 406 South 5th Street, 5th Street Lighting and Streetscape - John C. Heideman Office of the City Clerk 237.7 KB DDOC/674
Deed - 541 29 Road - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way - Shelley B. Henry, Also Known as Shelley B. Stevens Office of the City Clerk 272.2 KB DDOC/675
Deed - 621 26-1/2 Road - Warranty - Ralph L. Henry, Personal Representative of The Estate of Alice Bertha Henry, Deceased Office of the City Clerk 480.4 KB DDOC/676
Deed - 7th Street and Horizon Drive - Ralph L. Henry, Personal Representative of The Estate of Alice Bertha Henry, Deceased Office of the City Clerk 196.3 KB DDOC/677
Deed - 440 Main Street - Access To Main Street - The Glenn E. Hertel Trust Office of the City Clerk 140.0 KB DDOC/678
Deed - Lots 5 and 12 of Block 4 of Mobley's Subdivision Right-of-Way - John H. Herron Office of the City Clerk 166.3 KB DDOC/679
Deed - 140 Willowbrook Road, Lot 1 In Block 2 In Willowbrook Subdivision Replat, Re-aligned East of 1st South of Northridge Drive, - Richard C. Herald and Diana Herald Office of the City Clerk 270.1 KB DDOC/680
Deed - 330 Mountain View Court for Right-of-Way - Enno F. Heuscher and Pauline Heuscher Office of the City Clerk 226.9 KB DDOC/681
Deed - 2897 North Avenue, Grand Junction - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way - Hilltop Health Services Corporation Office of the City Clerk 219.2 KB DDOC/682
Deed - Hwy 50 @ Buena Vista Drive Red Tail Ridge Subdivision, File # FP-2003-276 - Temporary Turn-around Easement - La Cima II LLC Office of the City Clerk 275.8 KB DDOC/891
Deed - Click Property Purdy Mesa Kannah Creek - Frank J and M Margaret Lambert Office of the City Clerk 164.3 KB DDOC/898
Deed - 406 Ridges Blvd. - Ingress and Egress - La Roche Condominium Association, Inc Office of the City Clerk 223.8 KB DDOC/899
Deed - 510 West Grand Avenue Lot 6, Maldonado Subdivision - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way Purposes for The El Poso Street Improvement District - Frank Maldonado Office of the City Clerk 163.8 KB DDOC/957
Deed - North 5th Street In Shaffroth Rogers and High School Addition for Street Purposes - F. C. Martin Office of the City Clerk 213.3 KB DDOC/966