City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed - 2897 North Avenue, Grand Junction - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way - Hilltop Health Services Corporation Office of the City Clerk 219.2 KB DDOC/682
Deed - 15th Street and Holly Street Interceptor Sewer Right-of-Way - Holly Sugar Corporation, Merrill E. Shoup, President, and Gilbert L. Catlett, Secretary Office of the City Clerk 225.3 KB DDOC/714
Deed - Sherwood Park a Portion of Lots 2,3,5,6,7,9,10,12,13,14, Block 1, Sherwood Addition - Alley Purposes - Columbine Company Office of the City Clerk 632.9 KB DDOC/719
Deed - Laveta Street, N. W. Corner of Lot 6, Block 9 of Orchard Mesa Heights Right-of-Way - Board of Commissioners of The Housing Authority of The City of Grand Junction, Colorado By: Jack Kammerer (Chairman) and Jody M. Kole (Secretary) Office of the City Clerk 156.9 KB DDOC/729
Deed - Hwy 50 @ Buena Vista Drive Red Tail Ridge Subdivision, File # FP-2003-276 - Temporary Turn-around Easement - La Cima II LLC Office of the City Clerk 275.8 KB DDOC/891
Deed - Click Property Purdy Mesa Kannah Creek - Frank J and M Margaret Lambert Office of the City Clerk 164.3 KB DDOC/898
Deed - 406 Ridges Blvd. - Ingress and Egress - La Roche Condominium Association, Inc Office of the City Clerk 223.8 KB DDOC/899
Deed - 510 West Grand Avenue Lot 6, Maldonado Subdivision - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way Purposes for The El Poso Street Improvement District - Frank Maldonado Office of the City Clerk 163.8 KB DDOC/957
Deed - North 5th Street In Shaffroth Rogers and High School Addition for Street Purposes - F. C. Martin Office of the City Clerk 213.3 KB DDOC/966
Deed - 2735 Unaweep Avenue, for Roadway Utilities and Right-of-Way - Roberta R. McIntyre and Charles S. McIntyre Office of the City Clerk 216.9 KB DDOC/989
Deed - 310 North 7th Street Grand Avenue Street Reconstruction Lot 11 Block 84 - Mesa County Valley School District #51 Debra Johns, President of The Board of Education Office of the City Clerk 162.9 KB DDOC/998
Deed - 24th and Ouray S. W. Corner, 475 North 24th Street Right-of-Way Lot 16 of Block 3 of Mesa Gardens Subdivision. - Raymond L. Meininger and Peggy G. Meininger Office of the City Clerk 178.9 KB DDOC/1004
Deed - Poplar Drive North of Independent Avenue North of Independent, West Side - Sylvia E. Noell and Jay A. Fransen, Pioneer Partners Office of the City Clerk 186.3 KB DDOC/1123
Deed - 2816 North Ave for Road and Utility Right-of-Way - John C. Sparks and Sally A. Sparks Office of the City Clerk 190.0 KB DDOC/1454
Deed (Warranty) - Lot 6 of El Rio Villas Subdivision - Val D. and Linda L. Watkins, Thomas K. and Virginia A. Hamilton as Trustees of The Hamilton Trust, Donald D. and Carol-Ann Wiltgen, S&W Enterprises, and El Rio Villas Property Association, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 229.5 KB DDOC/1597