City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
FORM - HR - Dental Insurance Cards Human Resources 89.3 KB FORM/522
Power of Attorney - POA - 1657 Elm Avenue, North Half of the East-West Alley adjacent to Lot 3, Block 1, Park Place Heights - Gary R and Benjamin L Crist Office of the City Clerk 330.9 KB POA/895
Power of Attorney - POA - North Side of Wellington Avenue Between 7th and 8th Streets - Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health Service and Wellington Medical Building, a Colorado Joint Venture with Managing Joint Venturers Office of the City Clerk 684.3 KB POA/902
State of the City - 2016 Office of the City Clerk 382.9 MB HISTORY/1069
ADDENDUM 1 RFP-4233-16-NJ Purchasing 1.3 MB SOLDOC/14775
PIAB Agenda - 2016 - April 5 PARKS & RECREATION 360.6 KB QJVBAGD/1321
Urban Trails Committee Minutes - 2016 - July 12 Office of the City Clerk 147.7 KB VBMIN/5151
Grand Junction Regional Airport Authority Board Agenda - 2016 - November 15 Office of the City Clerk 627.9 KB QJVBAGD/1397
Contract - 2016 - Naming and Sponsorship Rights at the Avalon Theatre - Boelter Combs Gustafson Hildebrandt Office of the City Clerk 28.5 KB CCON/4006
Deed (Warranty) - 2795 D Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Gerald V. and June E Myers - Parcel F-20 Rev. Office of the City Clerk 659.1 KB DDOC/2022
Forestry Advisory Board Agenda - 2016 - December 1 PARKS & RECREATION 33.7 KB QJVBAGD/1430
Contract - 1989 - Water Purchase Agreement - Purdy Mesa Livestock Water Company Office of the City Clerk 110.0 KB CCON/4039
Easement - Utilities - Along D Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Union Pacific Railroad - Company - Parcel PE F-58 Office of the City Clerk 1.1 MB EPDOC/1400
Easement (Multipurpose) - 739 Kimball Avenue - Riverside Parkway Project - Eugene R. Kefalas - Parcel PE E-96 Office of the City Clerk 302.8 KB EPDOC/1401
Deed (Warranty) - 818, 820, & 832 Struthers Avenue - Riverside Parkway Project - John R. Crouch, Jr. - Parcel E-69, E-70, & E-71 Office of the City Clerk 289.1 KB DDOC/2062