City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed - 655 Ute Avenue Lots 11 Through 20, Block 138 and Portion of The North-south Alley Adjacent On The West as Vacated by Ordinance No. 1142 Dated December 6, 1961 (Old Jail, Mesa County) - Mesa County Office of the City Clerk 117.1 KB DDOC/1018
Deed - North Ave Southeast Corner Melody Lane and North Ave for Right-of-Way Lot 7, Block 1, Ernest T. Sparn Subdivision - George E. Metz DBA Gemco Enterprises Office of the City Clerk 189.3 KB DDOC/1019
Deed - 1413 North 16th Street, Right-of-Way, Lot 5, Fox Subdivision - Marvin D. White and E. M. White Office of the City Clerk 179.9 KB DDOC/1020
Deed - Lot 7 Grandview Subdivision; Right-of-Way Elm Ave and Kennedy Ave, 14th and 15th - Marie I. Walker, Harriet E. Zipse, D. H. Hammer, Dorothy E. Hammer, Michael Rodriquez, Mesa Federal Savings and Loan Association, Modern Savings and Loan Assn. Office of the City Clerk 244.3 KB DDOC/1021
Deed - Phase II Orchard Mesa Sewer Line (SS 31-74) - Lot 10, Block 5, Parkview Subdivision - Stan Mc Farland, also known as Stanley L. Mc Farland Office of the City Clerk 152.8 KB DDOC/1022
Deed (Quit Claim) - West Grand, Lots 1, and 3, Block 2, Grand River Subdivision - Right-of-Way - Mesa Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Junction Office of the City Clerk 255.0 KB DDOC/1023
Deed - F Road - Right-of-Way for Present F Road - Modern Federal Savings and Loan Association Office of the City Clerk 223.5 KB DDOC/1024
Deed - Right-of-Way for 24 Road, North of Patterson, Lot 1 Stop N Save Subdivision - Feather-Medsker-Smith, Ltd, 250 North 5th Street Office of the City Clerk 150.6 KB DDOC/1025
Deed - 574 25 Road - 25 Road Storm Drainage Detention Facility - Myrl Rumsey and Georgia Rumsey Trustees of Rumsey Trust Office of the City Clerk 195.2 KB DDOC/1026
Deed - 29 Road and I-70 , also known by 2898 I-70 Business Loop , Lot 2, O'Dell Subdivision Right-of-Way - Monument Homes Development , Inc. Dennis L. Granum Office of the City Clerk 152.0 KB DDOC/1027
Deed - Tract A, Tiara West Estates, Grand Junction, Co 81503 - Sale of Property - Wylie R. and Carrie J. Miller Office of the City Clerk 135.9 KB DDOC/1028
Deed - Lot 4, Block 3 Foresight Park for Industry, 2532 F Road (Patterson) - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way - Wal-mart Stores, Inc., A Delaware Corporation Office of the City Clerk 250.0 KB DDOC/1029
Deed - 2470 Patterson Road - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way - Wylie R Miller and Carrie J Miller - Patterson Center Condominiums Office of the City Clerk 248.4 KB DDOC/1030
Deed - 310 South 7th Street - Public Safety Initiative - Joann Marie Mills Office of the City Clerk 1.8 MB DDOC/1031
Deed - Street and Utility Right-of-Way for Melody Lane (Fruitvale) - Elmer J. Miller and Julia Mae Miller Office of the City Clerk 177.2 KB DDOC/1032