City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed - Lots 26 and 30, of Block 111 Original Townsite - Anna Pearson Ryan, Formerly Anna Ghent Pearson Office of the City Clerk 173.6 KB DDOC/1185
Deed - Elm Avenue - Lot 16 of Block 2, Prospect Park Subdivision, 1362 Elm Avenue At N. 14th Street - Carolyn Jean Selch, John L. Peach Jr., and Richard H. Peach Office of the City Clerk 246.4 KB DDOC/1186
Deed - South of Struthers Avenue - Colorado River Flood Control Levee - Charles D. Pennal and Shirley D. Pennal Office of the City Clerk 163.8 KB DDOC/1187
Deed - 2758 C Road, Unaweep Easement, Quit Claim - Cesareo B. Pena and Petra Pena Office of the City Clerk 235.2 KB DDOC/1188
Deed - Orchard Mesa Heights, Temporary Construction Easement for Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way, 1075 Unaweep Avenue - Victoriano and Suellyn M. Pena Office of the City Clerk 246.0 KB DDOC/1189
Deed - Lot 1 of Block 5 of Shafroth Rogers Subdivision Alley Right-of-Way - Wyse Perry Office of the City Clerk 155.0 KB DDOC/1190
Deed - 24th and Grand Ave N. W. Corner, 405 North 25th Street Right-of-Way Lot 9 of Block 3 of Mesa Gardens Subdivision - Victor W. Perino, Trustee Office of the City Clerk 195.7 KB DDOC/1191
Deed - 13th and Hermosa Ave Right-of-Way Lot 10, Block One, Eagleton Subdivision - Victor W. Perino, Trustee Office of the City Clerk 177.1 KB DDOC/1192
Deed - North Ave 10 Feet of Lots 7 Through 11, Block 4 - Gerald D. Perkins Office of the City Clerk 257.7 KB DDOC/1193
Deed - F Road - Right-of-Way for Present F Road - Thelma M., Billey Lee and Buddy Ray Pease Office of the City Clerk 190.9 KB DDOC/1194
Deed - South 5th Street Bridge Right-of-Way - Joseph Petrafeso Office of the City Clerk 215.4 KB DDOC/1195
Deed - N. 12th Street Widening (Walnut To Bonita) - for Road and Utility Right-of-Way - Lot 11 Fairmount Subdivision - Nora C. Peterson Office of the City Clerk 172.5 KB DDOC/1196
Deed - Right-of-Way for Court Road North of North Avenue and Bunting Avenue East of 28 Road - Norwest Bank Grand Junction, National Assoc, William L. Petty, President Office of the City Clerk 148.7 KB DDOC/1197
Deed - 2716 Unaweep Avenue Unaweep Avenue Improvements Project - Richard Dean Peterson and Diane Marie Peterson Office of the City Clerk 236.3 KB DDOC/1198
Deed - Patterson Road, Lot 5 Block 1 Willowbrook Subdivision Replat, 209 Willowbrook Road, Right-of-Way 1st To 7th Street - H. Gary Pfander and Joydale H. Office of the City Clerk 233.2 KB DDOC/1199