City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed - 637 27 1/2 Road - Road Improvements - Joe A. Ulibarri and Dorothy V. Ulibarri Office of the City Clerk 238.5 KB DDOC/1539
Deed - Road Right-of-Way and Utility South 7th Street At 4th Street - Umetco Minerals Corporation, John Hale, President and John Macdonald, Secretary Office of the City Clerk 178.6 KB DDOC/1540
Deed - Blue Heron Trail Phase 2A - United Companies of Mesa County, Inc., Ken W. Nesbitt, President and Lowell W. Laycock, Secretary Office of the City Clerk 174.5 KB DDOC/1541
Deed - Lot 24 of Block 1, Crown Heights Subdivision - Lloyd E. Unfred and Leland R. Unfred Office of the City Clerk 192.4 KB DDOC/1542
Deed - Section 23, Block 2 Fifth Street of Struthers Avenue Original Townsite - United Investment Co., F. C. Martin, Cecelia Evers and Mary Evers, Nellie Shriver Formerly Nellie Haggerty and Mary Haggerty Office of the City Clerk 222.3 KB DDOC/1543
Deed - 28 Road At The Southwest Corner of Section 7, Township 1 South, Range 1 East of The Ute Meridian. - United Banks of Colorado, Inc. By: N. Berne Hart (President) Office of the City Clerk 205.6 KB DDOC/1544
Deed - North Ave - United Banks of Colorado, Inc, By; N. Berne Hart (President) and Jack W. Swanson (Secretary) Office of the City Clerk 198.3 KB DDOC/1545
Deed - Willowbrook Road - Right-of-Way - United Bank of Grand Junction Office of the City Clerk 360.3 KB DDOC/1546
Deed - Lot 3, Cox's Subdivision - Fred Unrein Office of the City Clerk 124.1 KB DDOC/1547
Deed - See Exhibit "A" (Various Locations Along Railroad) - Riverside Parkway - Union Pacific Railroad Office of the City Clerk 5.5 MB DDOC/1548
Deed - 29 Road and D 1/2 Road - Purchase of Property for The 29 Road and I-70 B Project - Union Pacific Railroad Company Office of the City Clerk 283.2 KB DDOC/1549
Deed - Street Right-of-Way for Bader Drive Lot 5 Capitol Hill Subdivision - Charles B. Urban, Jr., Naola B. Urban, Charles E. Osborne, Melba M. Osborne, Fred J. Bader and Gladys M. Bader Office of the City Clerk 207.5 KB DDOC/1550
Deed - 2402 G Road Canyon View Park - Benerita Urruty Office of the City Clerk 957.2 KB DDOC/1551
Deed - Drain D Drainage System - United States of America Bureau of Reclamation Office of the City Clerk 199.4 KB DDOC/1552
Deed - 2449 G Road, 24-1/2 Road and G Road - For Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way Purposes - John A. Usher Office of the City Clerk 315.1 KB DDOC/1553