City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
DIA - 1990 - Corona Del Ray - A Replat of Lot 15 and Lots 1 Through 10 Inclusive of El Corona Subdivision - David L. Wood - 2502 through 2650 El Corona Dr. Community Development 273.5 KB CCON/885
Contract - 1993 - Unrecorded Lease Dated December 17, 1992 The Leasing of 736 Horizon Drive (Taco Bell) To The Visitor and Convention Bureau Ingress\Egress Lease for VCB - Horizon Drive Enterprises Office of the City Clerk 991.2 KB CCON/1405
Contract - 2004 - Whitewater Creek Irrigation Rights, Whitewater Creek Non-irrigation Rights and Whitewater Creek Water Rights - Joseph A. Lumbardy Trust and The Mozelle Lumbardy Trust, Unaweep Land, LLC, Cutting Fruit Tracts Homeowners Association, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 1.0 MB CCON/1524
Contract - 2006 - Sewer Extension Reimbursement Agreement - William S. McNeese and Sherron Helms Office of the City Clerk 349.1 KB CCON/1588
Contract - 2004 - Pipeline Crossing Agreement - Mile Post 449.14 On Its Glenwood Springs Subdivision - Union Pacific Railroad Company Office of the City Clerk 432.1 KB CCON/2005
521DA Operations and Maintenance Agreement - Red Rocks Valley Subdivision Public Works - Streets 198.9 KB OMDOC/14
PIAB Agenda - 2006 - November 15 PARKS & RECREATION 58.1 KB QJVBAGD/2312
Resolution No. 17-93 - 1993 Office of the City Clerk 96.2 KB RESDOC/39
Resolution No. 31-93 (Word Version) - 1993 Office of the City Clerk 29.5 KB RESDOC/68
Resolution No. 48-93 (Word Version) - 1993 Office of the City Clerk 27.0 KB RESDOC/102
Resolution No. 107-94 - 1994 Office of the City Clerk 75.4 KB RESDOC/235
Resolution No. 48-94 (Word Version) - 1994 Office of the City Clerk 28.5 KB RESDOC/354
Resolution No. 61-94 (Word Version) - 1994 Office of the City Clerk 28.0 KB RESDOC/378
Resolution No. 65-94 (Word Version) - 1994 Office of the City Clerk 29.5 KB RESDOC/386
Resolution No. 07-95 - 1995 Office of the City Clerk 48.3 KB RESDOC/467