City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Ordinance No. 3203 - 1999 Office of the City Clerk 83.1 KB ORD/5920
Ordinance No. 3255 - 2000 Office of the City Clerk 148.4 KB ORD/6024
Ordinance No. 3283 (Word Version) - 2000 Office of the City Clerk 44.0 KB ORD/6081
Ordinance No. 3366 - 2001 Office of the City Clerk 106.2 KB ORD/6242
Ordinance No. 3854 (Word Version) - 2005 Office of the City Clerk 80.5 KB ORD/7219
Ordinance No. 4012 (Word Version) - 2007 Office of the City Clerk 128.5 KB ORD/7535
Ordinance No. 4083 (Word Version) - 2007 Office of the City Clerk 30.0 KB ORD/7677
People's Ordinance No. 007 (Word Version) Office of the City Clerk 13.5 KB ORD/8425
Deed - Transfer of Airport Land From City of Grand Junction To Walker Field, Colorado - Walker Field, Colorado, Public Airport Authority Office of the City Clerk 7.5 MB DDOC/15
Deed (Quit Claim) - 2828 Walker Field- Walker Field Public Airport Authority - Arthur T. Gormley and James H. Rankin Office of the City Clerk 163.4 KB DDOC/585
Deed - Click Property Purdy Mesa Kannah Creek - Frank J and M Margaret Lambert Office of the City Clerk 164.3 KB DDOC/898
Deed - Walnut Ave. ID-ST-77, Lot 25 Block 8, Fairmount Subdivision, Section 12, Right-of-Way - James B. Nolen and Freda Z. Nolen Office of the City Clerk 316.0 KB DDOC/1124
Deed - Tract of Land NW Quarter of Section 24, Township 1 South, Range 1 West of The Ute Principal Meridian - Real Property Transfer - Parkerson Brothers, LLC. Office of the City Clerk 530.4 KB DDOC/1166
Deed - 396 South Camp Road - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way - Catherine E. Ray Office of the City Clerk 220.3 KB DDOC/1274
Deed - 15th Street, Between Walnut and Orchard, for Road and Utility Right-a-way Purposes Lot 3, Lutkiewicz Subdivision - Joe Rodriquez and Dalia Rodriquez Office of the City Clerk 137.3 KB DDOC/1330