City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed - Street, Utility and Irrigation Right-of-Way for Elm Avenue - Ronald B. Kelley and Shirley A. Kelley Office of the City Clerk 333.6 KB DDOC/847
Deed - F Road - Right-of-Way for Present F Road - Gerald L. and Shirley A. Kelley Office of the City Clerk 194.2 KB DDOC/848
Deed - 28-1/2 Road Right-of-Way - Lee O. Kelley and Helen E. Kelley Office of the City Clerk 188.2 KB DDOC/849
Deed - 2119 North 1st Street, Right-of-Way - Stephen Samuel Kelly and Connie Kay Kelly Office of the City Clerk 224.3 KB DDOC/850
Deed - 2119 North 1st Street, Right-of-Way North First Street Orchard Avenue To Patterson - Stephen Samuel Kelly and Connie Kay Kelly Office of the City Clerk 231.6 KB DDOC/851
Deed - 2866 Orchard Ave. Near 28-5/8 Road and Orchard Ave. - Vernon Kepford and Ann Kepford Office of the City Clerk 168.3 KB DDOC/852
Deed - 549 29 Road - Helen Marie Kearney Office of the City Clerk 265.5 KB DDOC/853
Deed - 2479 F-1/4 Road Section 4 - Paul I. Kern and Frances M. Kern Office of the City Clerk 127.5 KB DDOC/854
Deed - 2842 Florida Street, 2843 Florida Street - Temporary Emergency Turn-around Easement In White Willows Subdivision - Gerald E. Ketchem and Cheryl R. Ketchem Office of the City Clerk 114.8 KB DDOC/855
Deed - 436 Clear Creek Drive - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way In Clear Creek Subdivision - Gerald and Cheryl Ketchum Office of the City Clerk 164.3 KB DDOC/856
Deed - Dump On Redlands and Quit Claim Deed From K. W. Gardner To Leo Kiefer - Leo Kiefer Office of the City Clerk 406.0 KB DDOC/857
Deed - Lot 19 Block 6 Fairmount Subdivision - for Alley and Utility Purposes - M. T. Kikel Formerly Margaret T. Smith Office of the City Clerk 178.4 KB DDOC/858
Deed - 632 26-1/2 Road - 26-1/2 Road Bridge Replacement - Ben G. and Cheryl Duree Kilgore Office of the City Clerk 199.4 KB DDOC/859
Deed - N. 12th Street Widening (Walnut To Bonita) - for Road and Utility Purposes - Lot 11 Fairmount Subdivision - Kenneth R. Killgore - Terry J. Killgore Office of the City Clerk 157.7 KB DDOC/860
Deed - 2737 Unaweep Avenue - Road Right-of-Way for Unaweep Avenue - Mary M. Kastendieck and Lois Joan Kastendieck Office of the City Clerk 225.6 KB DDOC/885