City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed - Lots 1, 2 ,3 ,4, and 5 of Shaw's Subdivision, Amended Tract "C" West Lake Park - Charles M. Shaw Office of the City Clerk 149.4 KB DDOC/1400
Deed - Presley Avenue - A Temporary Turn Around Easement for The Legends, Filing 6, Located At 28-1/2 Road At Patterson - The Legends Partners, LLC Office of the City Clerk 217.6 KB DDOC/1504
Ordinance No. 0354 (Word Version) - 1924 Office of the City Clerk 115.0 KB ORD/8509
Easement - Drainage Easement In Lot 5 of Golden Estates Subdivision of Lot 61 Pomona Park Subdivision - Ann D. Borgman Office of the City Clerk 193.1 KB EPDOC/105
Easement - 736 24 1/2 Road - Right-of-Way, A Tract of Land Situated In Lot 35, Replat of Lots 26 and 35, Pomona Park as Said Lot 35, Was Recorded On December 30, 1999 Under Reception No. 1933913 - Canyon View Vineyard Church, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 194.6 KB EPDOC/215
Easement - South Line of Southeast Quarter of The Northwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 1 North, Range 1 East, Ute Meridian, Walker Field Airport Runway, Clear Zone at End of Runway - John E. Hartman and Marjy Hartman Office of the City Clerk 194.3 KB EPDOC/469
Easement - Metes and Bounds SS 29-71 - J. C. Irwin Office of the City Clerk 127.8 KB EPDOC/546
Easement - 299 Cedar Avenue, Utility Easement - John F. Richmond, Jr. Office of the City Clerk 219.1 KB EPDOC/567
Easement - 1745 North 19th Street, Utility Easement - James D. Garrett and Rita M. Garrett Office of the City Clerk 210.0 KB EPDOC/580
Easement - Lot 3, of Block 1, Valley Heights Subdivision; Right-of-Way SS 28-71 - Stanley F. McFarland Office of the City Clerk 133.5 KB EPDOC/700
Easement - Block 7 of Teller Arms Subdivision - Mesa Denver Associates, Gray, Stone et al Office of the City Clerk 165.1 KB EPDOC/716
Easement - 2850 Orchard Ave - Lonnie R. Pool Office of the City Clerk 191.8 KB EPDOC/841
Easement - H Road and Horizon Drive Parcel No. P-2 (See Exhibit "A" ) - CH FOUR Commercial Park Filing No. 2- Walker Field - Rocky Mountain Health Maintenance Organization, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 274.3 KB EPDOC/937
Easement - 2220 Sanford Drive - Sterling Crane Rezone and Storage Yard - Sterling Crane, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 202.0 KB EPDOC/978
Easement - 598 Rio Honda Road - Easement for The Installation, Operation, Maintenance, Repair and Replacement of Sanitary Sewer Facilities - Charles P Simcox and Joan L Simcox Office of the City Clerk 255.4 KB EPDOC/1005