City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed - Walnut Ave. for Road and Utility Purposes, Right-of-Way for Walnut Ave. ID-ST-77 Lot 10, Block 4, Fairmount Subdivision - Mesa County School District No. 51 By; Leonard E. Wolfe [President of The School Board], and Robert W. Mc Cormick [Secretary] Office of the City Clerk 232.9 KB DDOC/1087
Deed - Patterson and 12th Street - Mesa County Society for Crippled Children and Adults, By: James Grisier (President) and Diane E. Reimer (Secretary) Office of the City Clerk 166.7 KB DDOC/1088
Deed - 15th Street and F-l/4 Road, North of F Road [Nellie Bechtel Apartments] - County of Mesa [By: Gordon D. Tiffany, Commmissioner To Convey for The County of Mesa, Colorado Pursuant To Resolution MCM 83-131] Office of the City Clerk 188.8 KB DDOC/1089
Deed - Horizon and 7th Street - County of Mesa, Colorado By: Gordon Tiffany (Commissioner To Convey) Office of the City Clerk 168.2 KB DDOC/1090
Deed - Darla Jean Subdivision Park Site - Mesa County (By Mike Serra III, Commissioner To Convey Real Estate) Office of the City Clerk 162.4 KB DDOC/1092
Deed - 29 Road, D Road and D-1/2 Road, 2899 D-1/2 Road - 29 Road and I-70B Road Right-of-Way - Mesa State College Real Estate Foundation Office of the City Clerk 273.1 KB DDOC/1093
Deed - Adjacent To Orchard Mesa Middle School At 2736 Unaweep Avenue for Unaweep Avenue Improvement Project - Mesa County Valley School District No. 51 Office of the City Clerk 475.7 KB DDOC/1096
Deed - 2209 North 1 St Street, Right-of-Way - Michael J. Radosevich and Susan L. Radosevich Office of the City Clerk 242.6 KB DDOC/1098
Deed - 2209 North 1 St Street, Right-of-Way North First Street Orchard Avenue To Patterson, Parcel No. - Michael J. Radosevich and Susan L. Radosevich Office of the City Clerk 255.2 KB DDOC/1099
Deed - For Alley Right-of-Way South 5th Street Subdivision - Benjamin B. Mast, Benjamin W. Mast and Eva Mast Office of the City Clerk 179.1 KB DDOC/1100
Deed - 5th and Alley South of Main Lot 17 Block 118 Colorado Avenue - Quit Claim (Parking Authority Easement Vacation) - The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. Office of the City Clerk 148.8 KB DDOC/1101
Deed - 549 Noland Avenue In The South 5th Street Subdivision - South Downtown Development - Carl David Murphy and Verna Murphy Office of the City Clerk 482.1 KB DDOC/1102
Deed - 233 South 5th Or 5th and Ute Lots 17 Through 24, Inclusive Block 125 (C D Smith Building) - Museum of Western Colorado, Inc. A Colorado Non-profit Corporation By: Terrance W. Wakefield (Chairman) Office of the City Clerk 483.6 KB DDOC/1103
Deed - Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 In Block 6 of Carpenter's Subdivision No. 2 - Mattie V. Jones Office of the City Clerk 164.7 KB DDOC/1104
Deed - 24 Road, Right-of-Way Patterson Road North To Canyon View Park - Michael W. Arthur Office of the City Clerk 238.9 KB DDOC/1105