City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed - Prospect Park, North 8 to 10 feet of Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 23,24,25,26,27,28,29, and 30, Block 2 and Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29, and 30, Block 1 - Street and Alley Right-of-way - Coe Van Deren, et al Office of the City Clerk 230.0 KB DDOC/1560
Deed - Lot 17 of Block 1 of South Fifth Street Subdivision - Earl H. and E. E. Van Gundy Office of the City Clerk 846.5 KB DDOC/1561
Deed - West Orchard Avenue (Road and And Utility Right-of-Way Purposes) - Virgil A. Van Dyke, Lillian G. Van Dyke Office of the City Clerk 192.4 KB DDOC/1562
Deed - Alley North of 2nd Street and North Avenue - Shafroth Rodgers Sub - for Alley and Utility Right-of-Way - Virgil Z. Van Dyke and Alice Lorraine Van Dyke Office of the City Clerk 171.0 KB DDOC/1563
Deed - Along North Side of Patterson Rd. Between First Street and 7th Street Right-of-Way - Mildred Van Dover Office of the City Clerk 147.4 KB DDOC/1564
Deed - 28-1/4 Road, Lot 2 of Gilliland Subdivision for Right-of-Way - Victor Bukus, Jr. and Susan L. Bukus Office of the City Clerk 225.9 KB DDOC/1565
Deed - 28-1/4 Road S of North Ave, Easterly 40 Ft In The NW Quarter of Section 18 for Road Right-of-Way and Utility Purposes - Village Development Company, Harry P. Mavrakis (Asst. Secretary) and Emanuel G. Pavalkis (President) Office of the City Clerk 212.4 KB DDOC/1566
Deed - 25-1/2 Road Right-of-Way - Juan F. Venegas Office of the City Clerk 261.5 KB DDOC/1567
Deed - 690 Crosby Avenue - Juan F. Venegas Office of the City Clerk 279.3 KB DDOC/1568
Deed - 25 1/2 Road - Albino Venegas Office of the City Clerk 154.5 KB DDOC/1569
Deed - 15th Street, for Street and Utilities Purposes - Grandview Subdivision Lot 2 - M. D. Wagner and Helen G. Wagner Office of the City Clerk 202.8 KB DDOC/1586
Deed - 2881 North Avenue - Public Roadway and Utiliies Right-of-Way - Wal-mart Stores, Inc., A Delaware Corporation Office of the City Clerk 204.0 KB DDOC/1587
Deed - 2828 Walker Field - Walker Field Public Airport Authority - Warranty - W. S. Wallace Office of the City Clerk 145.4 KB DDOC/1588
Deed - Right-of-Way To Widen Elm Avenue Between College Place and 12th Street North Side Lot 10 Capitol Hill Subdivision - Margarethe Waldapfel, and Richard Waldapfel Taxed In The Name of A. T. Gormley and The Home Loan and Investment Company Office of the City Clerk 367.9 KB DDOC/1589
Deed - 7th Street Between F Road and Horizon Drive - James W. Waller and Lois Waller Office of the City Clerk 266.3 KB DDOC/1590