City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed (Warranty) - Lot 6 of El Rio Villas Subdivision - Val D. and Linda L. Watkins, Thomas K. and Virginia A. Hamilton as Trustees of The Hamilton Trust, Donald D. and Carol-Ann Wiltgen, S&W Enterprises, and El Rio Villas Property Association, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 229.5 KB DDOC/1597
Deed - 15th Street, Near Canal, for Road and Utility Right-of-Way Purposes, Street Improvement District, Phase A, 15th Street From F Road South To The Grand Valley Canal, SW Corner of 15th Street and Wellington Avenue - Walter K. Waymeyer Office of the City Clerk 218.0 KB DDOC/1598
Deed - Patterson (F) Road Right-of-Way Adjacent To Safeway Cottonwood Center Near Intersection With 29 Road - Walter K. Waymeyer Office of the City Clerk 318.0 KB DDOC/1599
Deed - 1001 South 3rd Street - Jarvis Property - William R. Jarvis, Sr., Betty Lou Jarvis and William R. Jarvis, Jr. Office of the City Clerk 3.4 MB DDOC/1600
Deed - 652 27-1/2 Road, Patterson Road To G Road, - William L. and Catharine S. Davis, Trustees of The Bill and Kit Davis Living Trust Office of the City Clerk 262.2 KB DDOC/1601
Deed - 24 & G Road, Grand Junction, Colorado - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way - WDM Corporation, A Colorado Corporation Office of the City Clerk 308.6 KB DDOC/1602
Deed - 2525 North 8th Street, Grand Junction - Public Right-of-Way - WDM Corporation, A Colorado Corporation Office of the City Clerk 275.9 KB DDOC/1603
Deed - 2904 B-1/2 Road - 29 & B-1/2 Intersection Improvements Right-of-Way - WDM Corporation Office of the City Clerk 207.7 KB DDOC/1604
Deed - 12th Street, Bonita To Horizon, Right-of-Way, Lot 1, Block 1, O'Nan Subdivision, Second Addition - William D. Merkel Office of the City Clerk 196.8 KB DDOC/1605
Deed - Lots 3 To 14 Inclusive, Block S In Keith's Addition - William D. Stokes Office of the City Clerk 193.7 KB DDOC/1606
Deed - Lot 21 and North West 47 Feet of Lot 22, Block 2, Prospect Park 1314 Elm - Donald H. Weese and Dale M. Weese Office of the City Clerk 217.7 KB DDOC/1607
Deed - Grand Valley Canal Right-of-Way At Crown Point Cemetery - William H. Hanson and Elizabeth Jane Hanson Office of the City Clerk 240.0 KB DDOC/1608
Deed - Street and Utilities Right-of-Way Franklin and Kennedy - Winifred Welch Office of the City Clerk 188.7 KB DDOC/1609
Deed - Tract A of West Lake Park Right-of-Way - Vetulia Welch and Leafie Sammons Office of the City Clerk 170.0 KB DDOC/1610
Deed - Wellington Ave and 8th Street Sewer Lift Station Sewer Easement - Wellington Medical Building, M. Ray Painter, Clifford K. Wanebo, Lester S. Duncan, Paul B. Jones, Denis B. Campbell, Stephen R. Meacham (General Partners) Office of the City Clerk 367.9 KB DDOC/1611