City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Grand Junction Public Finance Corporation Minutes - 2001 - January 9 - Annual Meeting Office of the City Clerk 65.0 KB VBMIN/5054
Municipal Voter Turnout 1940 through Present Office of the City Clerk 504.6 KB OFFABST/106
Grand Junction Public Finance Corporation Minutes - 1996 - May 28 - Organizational Meeting Office of the City Clerk 173.5 KB VBMIN/5059
Screen Shot - City Council Web Page 2012 - November Office of the City Clerk 531.4 KB HISTORY/1070
Annual Report of the City of Grand Junction - 2003 - Excerpt from the 2004 City Calendar Office of the City Clerk 1.1 MB HISTORY/1071
Annual Report of the City of Grand Junction - 1999 - Excerpt from the 2000 City Calendar Office of the City Clerk 3.8 MB HISTORY/1072
City Council Formal Assignments - 2016 - 2017 Worksheet (Word Version) Office of the City Clerk 20.4 KB HISTORY/1087
Contract - 2016 - Grant Agreement for Hallenbeck Reservoir No 1 Dam Rehabilitation (Slope Repair) (Purdy Mesa Dam Repair) - Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) Office of the City Clerk 1.1 MB CCON/3876
Contract - 2016 - Loan Contract, Promissory Note, and Security Agreement for Hallenbeck Reservoir No 1 Dam Rehabilitation (Slope Repair) (Purdy Mesa Dam Repair) - Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) Office of the City Clerk 1.9 MB CCON/3877
Proclamation - Junior College World (JUCO) Series Week - 2016 Office of the City Clerk 168.0 KB PROCL/536
Contract - 2016 - Letter of Intent and Right of Access to City Properties for Mosquito Control - Grand River Mosquito Control District Office of the City Clerk 1.5 MB CCON/3878
Contract - 2011 - Somerville Ranch Irrigation Efficiency - Natural Resources Conservation Service Office of the City Clerk 1.9 MB CCON/3882
Contract - 2015 - Somerville Ranch, Anderson Ranch, the Bench and Grand Mesa Hunting Guide Agreement - Bigguns LLC and Van Winkle Ranch LLC Office of the City Clerk 133.1 KB CCON/3932
City Council Agenda - 2016 - September 14 - CML District 11 Meeting Office of the City Clerk 87.3 KB CCAGD/1375