City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Resolution No. 34-24 - 2024 - A Resolution Accepting a Petition for the Annexation of Lands to the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, Making Certain Findings, and Determining that Property Known as the Five Star Annexation Approximately 0.11 Acres Located East of the Northern End of Allyce Avenue is Eligible for Annexation Office of the City Clerk 295.3 KB RESDOC/6575
Ordinance No. 5220 - 2024 - An Ordinance Annexing Territory to the City of Grand Junction, Colorado Five Star Annexation Located East of the Northerly End of Allyce Avenue Approximately 0.11 Acres Office of the City Clerk 750.7 KB ORD/10019
Ordinance No. 5221 - 2024 - An Ordinance Zoning the Five Star Annexation to Rm-8 (Residential Medium Eight Dwelling Units Per Acre) Zone District Located on Property East of the Northern End of Allyce Avenue Within the Birks Blue Subdivision Office of the City Clerk 420.7 KB ORD/10020
Proclamation - Red Hat Society Weekend - 2024 Office of the City Clerk 267.3 KB PROCL/923
City Council Agenda - 2024 - May 15 - Regular Meeting Office of the City Clerk 23.4 MB CCAGD/1917
Permit PROW - 2024 - Revocable - Public Rights-of-Way - Hoisington Avenue - To Install, Operate, Maintain, Repair and Replace Landscaping and Irrigation Improvements - Thunder Valley LLC Office of the City Clerk 2.5 MB PWROW/271
City Council Agenda - 2024 - May 13 - Workshop Office of the City Clerk 30.5 MB CCAGD/1918
Grand Junction Emergency Telephone Service Authority Board and Grand Junction Regional Communications Center Board - RESOLUTION NO. 01-23 - 2023 Office of the City Clerk 122.5 KB REF/272
Grand Junction Emergency Telephone Service Authority Board - RESOLUTION NO. 01-24 - 2024 Office of the City Clerk 100.9 KB REF/273
Proclamation - Colorado Public Lands Day - 2024 Office of the City Clerk 265.7 KB PROCL/924
City Council Summary - 2024 - April 29 - Workshop Office of the City Clerk 190.7 KB CCMIN/5789
City Council Minutes - 2024 - May 1 2024 - Special Meeting Office of the City Clerk 44.1 KB CCMIN/5790
City Council Minutes - 2024 - May 1 - Regular Meeting Office of the City Clerk 149.7 KB CCMIN/5791
City Council Agenda - 2024 - May 1 - Executive Session Office of the City Clerk 120.2 KB CCAGD/1919
Resolution No. 35-24 - A Resolution Approving an Agreement to Defer Payment of Transportation Capacity Fees for GJ Blackout Inc, a Colorado not for Profit Corporation for the Blackout Sports Facility Located at 715 23 ½ Road Grand Junction, Colorado Office of the City Clerk 3.2 MB RESDOC/6578