City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Proclamation - Grand Junction Pride Fest - 2024 Office of the City Clerk 252.1 KB PROCL/934
Proclamation - Fire Prevention Week - 2024 Office of the City Clerk 270.6 KB PROCL/935
Proclamation - A Salute to All Veterans - 2024 Office of the City Clerk 242.0 KB PROCL/936
Proclamation - Arts and Humanities Month - 2024 Office of the City Clerk 278.8 KB PROCL/937
Proclamation - Constitution Week - 2024 Office of the City Clerk 252.3 KB PROCL/938
Proclamation - Myotonic Dystrophy Awareness Day - 2024 Office of the City Clerk 260.1 KB PROCL/939
City Council Agenda - 2024 - August 19 - Workshop Office of the City Clerk 19.4 MB CCAGD/1931
City Council Minutes - 2024 - August 7 - Regular Meeting Office of the City Clerk 156.6 KB CCMIN/5806
Resolution 60-24 - 2024 - A Resolution Supporting the Application for the Mesa County Federal Mineral Lease District 2024 Fall Grant Cycle Office of the City Clerk 193.9 KB RESDOC/6612
Resolution No. 61-24 - 2024 - A Resolution Adopting, Authorizing and Approving the Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Grand Junction and Mesa County Relating to a Proposed 29 Road Interchange Addition to Interstate Office of the City Clerk 1.6 MB RESDOC/6613
Resolution No. 59-24 - 2024 - A Resolution Naming the F ½ Road Parkway Corridor to Four Canyons Parkway Office of the City Clerk 329.4 KB RESDOC/6614
Resolution No. 58-24 - 2024 - A Resolution Referring a Petition to the City Council for the Annexation of Lands to the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, Setting a Hearing on Such Annexation, and Exercising Land Use Control Office of the City Clerk 628.3 KB RESDOC/6615
City Council Packet - 2024 - September 18 - Regular Meeting - DRAFT Office of the City Clerk 23.7 MB CCAGD/1932
Resolution No. 66-24 - 2024 - A Resolution Naming a Finalist for the Position of City Manager Office of the City Clerk 365.8 KB RESDOC/6616
Resolution 63-24 - 2024 - A Resolution for the Ratification of and Authorization for the Interim City Mgr to Sign AIP Grants Office of the City Clerk 221.4 KB RESDOC/6617