City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 2010 - Restrictive Convenant for Old Mill Subdivision - 1101 Kimball Avenue - Southside Leasing, LLC. Office of the City Clerk 1.0 MB CCON/2247
Contract - 2004 - Operation and Maintenance Plan for Hallenbeck Number 2 (AKA Raber Click) Reservoir - Grand Valley Ranger District Office of the City Clerk 405.3 KB CCON/2248
Contract - 1999 - Purchase of Property for the 27 1/2 Road Improvement Project - 652 27 1/2 Road - The Bill and Kit Davis Living Trust Office of the City Clerk 354.2 KB CCON/2252
Contract - 2012 - Purchase of Retired Police Canine Kazan - Brian Frasier Office of the City Clerk 25.9 KB CCON/2253
Contract - 2011 - Communications System for 911 Communication Center - Motorola Solutions, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 1.7 MB CCON/2266
Contract - 2012 - Road Use Agreement for the Use and Benefit of Grand Junction Regional Communication Center for Access to Communication Tower - Shell Frontier Oil and Gas Inc. Office of the City Clerk 141.4 KB CCON/2271
Contract - 1945 - Resolution of the Stockholders of the Grand Valley Water Users' Association - United States Government Repayment Contract for the Grand Valley Irrigation Project Office of the City Clerk 23.1 MB CCON/2276
Contract - 2009 - Mesa County Resolution and Approving Ordinance No. 4389 to Authorize the Issuance and Sale of the City's Joint Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2009 (Build America Bonds) Office of the City Clerk 43.9 MB CCON/2277
Contract - 2007 - Construction and Maintenance Agreement for the Big Pipe Project - Grand Valley Irrigation Company Office of the City Clerk 9.4 MB CCON/2283
Contract - 2012 - Procedures for Ongoing Compliance with Sections 141 and 148 of the Internal Revenue Code Relative to Tax-Exempt Bonds - Internal Revenue Office of the City Clerk 26.8 KB CCON/2322
Contract - 2008 - Control of Confidential Data Relative to Sales Tax Information - Mesa County Office of the City Clerk 24.5 KB CCON/2327
Contract - 2012 - Banking Services - Alpine Bank Office of the City Clerk 38.1 MB CCON/2329
Contract - 2012 - Order for Exclusion of Lands from the Lower Valley Fire Protection District - Case No. 21760 (2011 Annexations) Office of the City Clerk 107.8 KB CCON/2334
Contract - 2012 - Order for Exclusion of Lands from the Grand Junction Rural Fire Protection District - Case No. 7097 (2011 Annexations) Office of the City Clerk 173.5 KB CCON/2335
Contract - 2012 - Public Safety Emergency Communications Services for Sales, Installation and Maintenance (911 System) - Qwest Communications Company, LLC dba CenturyLink QCC Office of the City Clerk 45.9 MB CCON/2367