City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed - Paradise Hills Open Space Park - Paradise Hills HOA Office of the City Clerk 183.4 KB DDOC/229
Deed - 2975 and 2977 B-1/2 Road - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-way Purposes - Chipeta Glenn II, LLC Office of the City Clerk 164.0 KB DDOC/230
Deed - 2941 B-1/2 Road, 2949 B-1/2 Road - Public Roadway Right-of-Way - Chipeta West, LLC. Office of the City Clerk 179.6 KB DDOC/231
Deed - Patterson Road Right-of-Way North Side 1st To 7th, 213 Willowbrook Road Lot 6 Block 1 Willowbroook Subdivision Replat - Frank J. Chiaro Louise Jean Chiaro Office of the City Clerk 215.4 KB DDOC/232
Deed - Lot 15 Block 6, Arcadia Village ; Alley Off North Avenue Lot 15 Block 6 Right-of-Way - Frank W. Chambers, Leona B. Chambers, Alma E. Porter and Leila C. Kane Office of the City Clerk 189.2 KB DDOC/233
Deed - 25th Street and North Ave, for Road Street and Utility Purposes - W. J. Chambers Office of the City Clerk 196.5 KB DDOC/234
Deed - Street and Utility Right-of-Way for Elm Avenue West Fruitvale - Boyd Chandler Office of the City Clerk 204.4 KB DDOC/235
Deed - 2975 and 2977 B-1/2 Road - A Temporary Turnaround Access Easement for The Public at the End of Kachina Drive - Chipeta Glenn II, LLC Office of the City Clerk 226.3 KB DDOC/236
Deed - 807 N 1st Street - Nicholas G. Chronis, Voula A. Chronis and Peter G. Chronis Office of the City Clerk 250.0 KB DDOC/237
Deed - 15th Street, for Street and Utilities Purposes - O'Neil's Subdivision Lot 13 - Dave W. Christopher, Wilda M. Christopher and Carl J. Treece Office of the City Clerk 195.2 KB DDOC/238
Deed - Right-of-Way for Street and Utility Purposes 1st Street - George P. Chronis and Cecelia G. Chronis Office of the City Clerk 165.7 KB DDOC/239
Deed - F 1/4 Road Section 4 Right-of-Way - William D. Church and Virginia M. Church Office of the City Clerk 138.0 KB DDOC/240
Deed - 1502 North 12th Street Southwest Corner of Lot 30, Block 2 of Prospect Park Subdivision for Road and Right-of-Way and Utility Purposes - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by Brenda McArthur and H. David Burton (Authorized Agent) Office of the City Clerk 236.6 KB DDOC/241
Deed - Alpine Acres Subdivision, Lot 16 Right-of-Way - City of Grand Junction; James E. Wysocki, City Manager and Neva B. Lockhart, City Clerk Office of the City Clerk 152.4 KB DDOC/242
Deed - West Orchard Ave - City Market, Inc. , By: Frank Prinster (President) and Eugene F. Haggerty (Secretary) Office of the City Clerk 192.7 KB DDOC/243