City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed - 697 27-1/2 Road, Generally At 27-1/4 Road and Horizon Drive - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way - Emanuel Epstein Office of the City Clerk 206.1 KB DDOC/457
Deed - F 1/4 Road Section 4 - Jann Ertl Office of the City Clerk 115.7 KB DDOC/458
Deed - Street and Utility Right-of-Way for Bookcliff Avenue 1000 Blk - E. K. Erwin and Nettie C. Erwin Office of the City Clerk 200.9 KB DDOC/459
Deed - 306 South 5th Street - Public Safety Initiative - Escondido Holdings, Inc A Texas Corporation Office of the City Clerk 1.1 MB DDOC/460
Deed - 1765 Escalante Street, Unaweep Easement - Eugene A. Lent and Shirley J. Lent Office of the City Clerk 226.5 KB DDOC/461
Deed - 697 27 H Road, Grand Junction, Generally At 27 H Road and Horizon Drive - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way - Jimmie L. Etter Office of the City Clerk 180.3 KB DDOC/462
Deed - Right-of-Way Horizon Drive Government Lot 3 - Kenneth L. Etter and Jimmie L. Etter and Emanuel Epstein Office of the City Clerk 206.6 KB DDOC/463
Deed - 556 25 Road, Grand Junction - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way - David Evarts and Vicki Evarts, Trustees for The 1997 Trust Office of the City Clerk 209.2 KB DDOC/464
Deed - 1560 North Avenue - Lot 6 - Block 3 - Parkplace Heights Subdivision - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way Purposes - Larry E. Evenson and Brigitte H. Evenson Office of the City Clerk 259.7 KB DDOC/465
Deed - 1222 South 5th Street North of Struthers Avenue East of 5th Street (AKA Hwy 50) - Randal Allen Evers Office of the City Clerk 350.7 KB DDOC/466
Deed - Patterson Road Right-of-Way North Side 1st To 7th, 221 Willowbrook Road Lot 8-block 1 Willowbrook Subdivision Replat, - Lloyd A. Exstrom and Evelyn J. Exstrom Office of the City Clerk 232.2 KB DDOC/467
Deed - Walnut Ave Lot 10 and Lot 9 Block 2, Weaver Subdivision - Bob Faith Office of the City Clerk 131.6 KB DDOC/468
Deed - North Side of Patterson East of 15th - Bob Faith and Ben Miller Office of the City Clerk 144.1 KB DDOC/469
Deed - Orchard Avenue, 1100 Block, for Street and Utility Right-of-Way - Faith Baptist Church (Lawrence G. Hoggatt, Raymond L. Perry, Glenn Hallam, Frank J. Randall, Clarence O. Britton, Martin Pedersen) Office of the City Clerk 216.0 KB DDOC/470
Deed - Lot 46 of Block 13, Fairmount Subdivision - for Alley and Utility Right-of-Way Purposes 12th and Patterson - First Southern Baptist Church by W. W. Harris, Chairman of Trustees Office of the City Clerk 175.5 KB DDOC/471