City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed - 1040 Independent Avenue - Public Roadway and Utilities Right-of-Way Purposes (25-1/2 Road) - Sam's Real Estate Business Trust Office of the City Clerk 309.1 KB DDOC/1360
Deed - 476 Melody Lane - Ernest T. Sparn Subdivision - Donna J. Gomez, Valarie A. Samora, Joe Jess Samora and Wilma Olga Samora Office of the City Clerk 200.4 KB DDOC/1361
Deed - Hill Ave Lot 12 Block 4 Meeks Subdivision ID-ST-78 Phase B Right-of-Way - James C. Sandoval and Gloria P. Sandoval Office of the City Clerk 127.8 KB DDOC/1362
Deed - 539 28-1/4 Road - For Right-of-Way - Gilbert Sanchez and Rose Marie Yslas Office of the City Clerk 242.2 KB DDOC/1363
Deed - 15th Street, for Right-of-Way From Elm South 138' On West Side Grandview Subdivision - Mack R. Sarles and Lelah M. Sarles Office of the City Clerk 228.5 KB DDOC/1364
Deed - Orchard Avenue and 28 Road for Street and Utility Right-of-Way - Erskine E. Scates and Faith M. Scates Office of the City Clerk 184.0 KB DDOC/1365
Deed - Industrial River Road, Sec 22 T1S R1W UM, for Road and Utility Right-of-Way - Virgil Lee Scamahorn and Margaret Scamahorn Office of the City Clerk 209.2 KB DDOC/1366
Deed - Area Near Noland Avenue, Winters Avenue and South 15th Street - Easement for Construction and Maintenance of a Sanitary Sewer Line Over and Across Certain Property - Southside Sewer Interceptor - Virgil Lee Scamahorn and Margaret Scamahorn Office of the City Clerk 219.6 KB DDOC/1367
Deed - 560 Colorado Avenue - To Enlarge Adjacent Public Parking Lot - Estate of Ray Alvin Schiesswohl and Debra K. Bailey Office of the City Clerk 1.2 MB DDOC/1368
Deed - Real Estate Exchange Between The City and The School District. The City Received Right-of-Way for The Highway 340 Viaduct and The District Received Land for Riverside School - School District Number One (Later #51) of Mesa County Office of the City Clerk 503.8 KB DDOC/1369
Deed (Quit Claim) - Glenwood Avenue, Lot 20 and Lot 18, Capitol Hill Subdivision - Right-of-Way - School District No. 1 Office of the City Clerk 287.5 KB DDOC/1370
Deed (Quit Claim) - 2100 Block Grand Avenue - Right-of-Way for Street and Utility Purposes - Mesa County Valley School District No. 51 Office of the City Clerk 231.5 KB DDOC/1371
Deed - Orchard Mesa SSD 33-76, Phase III Redwood Court - Henry C. Schauster and Jewell Schauster Office of the City Clerk 179.9 KB DDOC/1372
Deed - Main Street Lots 1, 2, and 3 In Block 121 Main Street Two Rivers Plaza - Perry Schumacher and Sandra Schumacher Office of the City Clerk 170.6 KB DDOC/1373
Deed - 28 1/4 Road From Orchard Ave. To Patterson Road. Parcel # 11 ST-ID-80, Phase A - David E. Schroeder and Genie M. Schroeder Office of the City Clerk 208.5 KB DDOC/1374