City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
DIA - 2002 - Fountain Greens Filing Three - Fountain Greens LLC - 24 3/4 Road Between 25 Road and North of G Road Community Development 513.4 KB CCON/312
DIA - 2002 - Hamlet at Fountain Greens - Fountain Greens, LLC - East Side of 24 3/4 Road, South of Fountainhead Blvd. Alignment (750' North of Cimarron Drive) Community Development 1.7 MB CCON/313
DIA - 2006 - Tri-point Energy Development - Folkestad Construction Corp. - 596 and 598 23 1/2 Road Community Development 927.6 KB CCON/314
DIA - 2002 - Lot 1A & 2A 2452 LLC Subdivision - Folkestad Construction - 24 1/2 & Patterson Road Community Development 615.6 KB CCON/315
DIA - 1999 - 2358 I-70 Frontage Road - Folkestad Construction Community Development 674.4 KB CCON/316
DIA - 1982 - Lot 2, 601 Subdivision - FMD Company - 601 North 1st Street, Grand Junction Community Development 165.7 KB CCON/317
DIA - 2001 - Interstate Commercial Park Two - Tom Folkestad - 742 23 Road, Grand Junction Community Development 1.3 MB CCON/318
DIA - 2003 - 2323 Logos Drive - Tom Folkestad Community Development 770.3 KB CCON/319
DIA - 1981 - Restaurant In Airport Dollar Inn - Louise Forster - 733 Horizon Drive, Grand Junction Community Development 265.0 KB CCON/320
DIA - 1982 - Dominion Heights Subdivision - Preliminary Plan-rezone - Foresight International, Inc. - NW Corner of 28 1/4 Road & Gunnison Avenue Community Development 161.3 KB CCON/321
DIA - 1984 - Foresight Village - Foresight Village, A Partnership - Northeast of Patterson and 25 1/2 Roads Community Development 261.6 KB CCON/322
DIA - 1991 - 27 1/2 Road Improvements - First Presbyterian Church Community Development 521.6 KB CCON/323
DIA - 1996 - Willow Ridge Subdivision - Willow Ridge LLC by Oliver E. Frascona - Broadway & Mayfield Drive Community Development 1.2 MB CCON/324
DIA - 1994 - Sleep-n-aire Phase II A - Ford Construction Co., Inc. - 2482 F Road Community Development 559.6 KB CCON/325
DIA - 2008 - FSTI Street Sand Loading Operation - FSTI Inc - 711 S 6th Street Community Development 735.3 KB CCON/326