City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 2006 - Leveraging Public and Private Contributions To Finance Location of Businesses To Mesa County, Improve Competitiveness and Spur Growth of Grand Junction Economy - Grand Junction Economic Partnership Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1338
Contract - 2004 - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for 90 Housing Units at 276 Linden Avenue (PY 2003) - Grand Junction Housing Authority Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1346
Contract - 2006 - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for Property Acquisition at 2150 Grand Avenue - Grand Junction Housing Authority Office of the City Clerk 562.1 KB CCON/1347
Contract - 2007 - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for the Acquisition of Lot 2 of Village Park Subdivision (PY 2006) - Grand Junction Housing Authority Office of the City Clerk 601.5 KB CCON/1349
Contract - 2006 - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for Property Acquisition at 1262 & 1282 Bookcliff Avenue for Low Income Multi-family Housing Units - Grand Junction Housing Authority Office of the City Clerk 597.1 KB CCON/1350
Contract - 1995 - Removal/Disposal of Outdated Chemicals Used In Water and Wastewater Analysis and Purification Indemnification - Grand Junction Laboratories Incorporated Office of the City Clerk 187.9 KB CCON/1352
Contract - 2008 - Laboratory and/or Criminalist/Laboratory Technical Services - Colorado Bureau of Investigation Office of the City Clerk 344.7 KB CCON/1353
Contract - 2009 - Cargo Ramp Utility Relocation (Phase 1) at Grand Junction Regional Airport - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Office of the City Clerk 1.2 MB CCON/1357
Contract - 2006 - Professional Services Contract Radio Communications Technician - Grand Mesa Project Services - Mr. Will Eisemann Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1362
Contract - 1996 - Colorado River - Great Outdoors Colorado Trust Fund - State of Colorado Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1364
Contract - 2007 - 217 and 247 White Avenue Treated as One Parcel - Grand Valley Catholic Outreach Office of the City Clerk 309.2 KB CCON/1365
Contract - 2008 - Public Bridge Crossing Improvements for Wexford Subdivision Within The GVIC Mesa County Canal Row - Grand Valley Irrigation Company Office of the City Clerk 471.4 KB CCON/1366
Contract - 2008 - Geotechnical Services for The Proposed Public Safety Facility - Ground Engineering Consultants Office of the City Clerk 1.1 MB CCON/1369
Contract - 2004 - 3291 D 1/2 Road, Perpetual Drainage Easement for The Replacement of Storm Water Drainage Facilities - Dean L and Verona A Griffith Office of the City Clerk 186.5 KB CCON/1371
Contract - 2005 - Riverside Parkway Project (Phase I) - Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Purchase of Property for Road Right-of-Way and Multi-purpose Easements - 2895 D Road - William J. Grillos and Mary K. Grillos Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1372