City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 1996 - Doug Jones Property Sewer Service - Mesa County Office of the City Clerk 137.7 KB CCON/1568
Contract - 1997 - Juniata Enlarged Ditch, Kannah Creek, Boudary Line Dispute and Water Line Easement - That Portion of The NW 1/4 SE 1/4, Which Lies South of Kannah Creek - Michael G. and Carol M. Anderson Office of the City Clerk 674.8 KB CCON/1570
Contract - 1975 - Sewer Agreement 2707 Highway 50 - McCoy Company Office of the City Clerk 95.0 KB CCON/1582
Contract - 2000 - Purchase of Development Rights Committee Agreement - Board of County Commissioners of Mesa County, the Palisade Town Board of Trustees, the Fruita City Council and the Grand Junction City Council Office of the City Clerk 476.7 KB CCON/1589
Contract - 1996 - Recitals for School Land Dedications and Associated Fees - Mesa County Valley School District No. 51 Office of the City Clerk 407.1 KB CCON/1597
Contract - 2003 - Parking Garage, Combining Lots 19-23, Block 82 - 538 White Avenue, 550 White Avenue - Mesa County Office of the City Clerk 149.2 KB CCON/1605
Contract - 1998 - Transportation Plans Development and Implementation and Capital Improvements Authorization - Mesa County Board of Commissioners, Grand Junction City Council, Fruita City Council, Palisade Board of Trustees Office of the City Clerk 203.1 KB CCON/1620
Contract - 1997 - 2896 North Avenue, Treat as One Parcel for Convenience Store - Thomas M and Joanne Mingus Office of the City Clerk 148.9 KB CCON/1627
Contract - 1997 - Moonridge Falls Subdivision Proposed Right-of-Way Extension To Atchee Lane - Moonridge Falls, LLC, Walid Bou-Matar, Manager Office of the City Clerk 488.4 KB CCON/1638
Contract - 1921 - Relinquish Rest of William J. Palmer's Land To City for Cemetery - Elsie Meyers, Dorothy Palmer, and Marjorie Palmer Watt (Formerly Marjorie Palmer) Office of the City Clerk 267.8 KB CCON/1644
Contract - 1995 - Moonridge Falls Subdivision Annexation and Improvement - Moonridge Falls, LLC Office of the City Clerk 216.8 KB CCON/1645
Contract - 1994 - Sage Court Replat of Lots 1, 2, and 7 of Northacres Subdivision and Relocation and Realignment of North Acres Road and Utility Right-of-Way Office of the City Clerk 444.8 KB CCON/1646
Contract - 1995 - Sewer Line at 2429 Highway 6 & 50 Office Depot/Centennial RV - MVR, Inc., and Stanford F. Warner and Donna K. Warner Office of the City Clerk 527.8 KB CCON/1647
Contract - 1977 - Agreement Dated January 26, 1977 Regarding Intent To Construct and Operate A Joint Recreational Project To Provide A Boat Ramp On County Property (Colorado River Park Boat Ramp) - County of Mesa Office of the City Clerk 126.5 KB CCON/1656
Contract - 1980 - Joint 201 Sewerage Service Agreement - Mesa County Office of the City Clerk 464.5 KB CCON/1658