City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 2002 - Order for Exclusion of Lands from the Grand Junction Rural Fire Protection District - Case No. 01 CV 657 (2001 Annexations) Office of the City Clerk 714.3 KB CCON/1820
Contract - 2003 - Order for Exclusion of Lands from the Grand Junction Rural Fire Protection District - Case No. 00 CV 102 (2002 Annexations) Office of the City Clerk 1012.1 KB CCON/1821
Contract - 2008 - Order for Exclusion of Lands from the Lower Valley Fire Protection District - Case No. 21760 (2007 Annexations) Office of the City Clerk 300.1 KB CCON/1822
Contract - 2009 - Order for Exclusion of Lands from the Grand Junction Rural Fire Protection District - Case No. 7097 (2008 Annexations) Office of the City Clerk 1.5 MB CCON/1823
Contract - 2010 - Order for Exclusion of Lands from the Grand Junction Rural Fire Protection District - Case No. 7097 (2009 Annexations) Office of the City Clerk 368.1 KB CCON/1824
Contract - 1995 - Order for Exclusion of Lands from the Grand Junction Rural Fire Protection District - Case No. 95 CV 21 (1994 Annexations) Office of the City Clerk 1.2 MB CCON/1825
Contract - 1996 - 1997 Fire Protection (Response, Prevention, Inspection, Rescue and Emergency Medical Response and Service) - Grand Junction Rural Fire Protection District Office of the City Clerk 265.2 KB CCON/1826
Contract - 1999 - Fire Protection and Related Services Within The District - Grand Junction Rural Fire Protection District Office of the City Clerk 293.7 KB CCON/1827
Contract - 1991 - Ridges Metropolitan District, Dissolution of The District, Annexation and Services Provided by City of Grand Junction - Ridges Metropolitan District Office of the City Clerk 3.1 MB CCON/1834
Contract - 1973 - Contract 26621 Covering A 12-inch Diameter Storm Sewer Pipe Line Crossing at 4th Ave. and S. 10th Street Railroad Right-of-Way - The Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company By: J. A. Greener (Superintendent) Office of the City Clerk 982.1 KB CCON/1836
Contract - 1991 - District Plan and Agreement - Ridges Metropolitan District Office of the City Clerk 1.6 MB CCON/1840
Contract - 1997 - Rural Fire Protection Cost Share Analysis City RFP No 30-97 Consulting Services - Rocky Mountain Group Office of the City Clerk 530.9 KB CCON/1842
Contract - 1977 - Construction of A Sewage Collection System and City Sewage Collection and Disposal Facility for Round Hill Sewer Association - Roundhill Sewer Association Office of the City Clerk 171.7 KB CCON/1850
Contract - 1997 - Westgate Park, Lots 18, 20 and 22 In Block 5 - Rod Statler Office of the City Clerk 122.3 KB CCON/1853
Contract - 1981 - Sewer Service Agreement, Railhead Water and Sanitation District Pretreatment Program, Connecting The City's Trunk and Outfall Sewer Lines, Supplemental Agreement, Resolution - Railhead Water and Sanitation District Office of the City Clerk 483.0 KB CCON/1862