City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1973 - January 11 - Letter From Anderson To Richard Mandeville Western Engineers Re: Project Notification Forms Office of the City Clerk 31.7 KB HISTORY/109
Sewer - 1973 - March 20 - Letter From Allan N. Charnes To Richard Brown Office of the City Clerk 34.0 KB HISTORY/110
Sewer - 1973 - June 01 - Service Plan Report for OMSD Office of the City Clerk 59.2 KB HISTORY/111
Sewer - 1973 - August 06 - Letter From Anderson To EPA Office of the City Clerk 38.2 KB HISTORY/112
Sewer - 1973 - September 20 - Letter-Application From City of Grand Junction To William Hormberg Office of the City Clerk 60.4 KB HISTORY/113
Sewer - 1973 - November 15 - Letter From Robert Jennings To Colorado West Area Council Office of the City Clerk 62.4 KB HISTORY/114
Sewer - 1974 - January 25 - Letter From Earl T. Balkum To J. D. Arehart Office of the City Clerk 124.4 KB HISTORY/115
Sewer - 1974 - February 25 - Letter From Dean Chassee To George Prince Office of the City Clerk 46.9 KB HISTORY/116
Sewer - 1974 - February 27 - Letter From Anderson To Phillip H. Schmuck Office of the City Clerk 41.0 KB HISTORY/117
Sewer - 1974 - March 05 - Letter From F. Kenneth Jr. To Jack Wadlow Office of the City Clerk 50.4 KB HISTORY/118
Sewer - 1974 - March 11 - Letter From Attorney Anderson To John Halligan Office of the City Clerk 31.2 KB HISTORY/119
Sewer - 1974 - March 18 - Letter From Earl T. Balkfum To Jim Patterson Office of the City Clerk 50.6 KB HISTORY/120
Sewer - 1974 - March 22 - Letter From Atty. Anderson To Congressman Teno Rancalio Re: Mesa County Sanitation System Office of the City Clerk 39.9 KB HISTORY/121
Sewer - 1994 - July - Handwritten Notes (Author Unknown) Critical Of The New Rules and Regulations Adopted by The City Office of the City Clerk 103.5 KB HISTORY/122
Sewer - 1974 - April 09 - Notice of Public Hearing Office of the City Clerk 560.7 KB HISTORY/123