City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1974 - August 13 - Letter From John R. Hinton To Richard Brown Office of the City Clerk 22.6 KB HISTORY/139
Sewer - 1974 - October 04 - Letter From Attorney Albin Anderson To Commissioners Office of the City Clerk 48.3 KB HISTORY/140
Sewer - 1974 - October 24 - Letter From E. B. Pugsley To Jim Patterson Office of the City Clerk 37.2 KB HISTORY/141
Sewer - 1975 - February 03 - Memo From Jim Patterson To Harvey Rose Office of the City Clerk 69.8 KB HISTORY/142
Sewer - 1975 - February 28 - Letter From Kenneth Webb To Richard Brown Office of the City Clerk 39.7 KB HISTORY/143
Sewer - 1975 - March 13 - Letter of Concern Re: Endangered Fish Office of the City Clerk 42.6 KB HISTORY/144
Sewer - 1975 - April 01 - Letter From Earl Balkum To Jim Patterson Office of the City Clerk 68.5 KB HISTORY/145
Sewer - 1975 - May 21 - Memorandum of Agreement Re: Paradise Hills and City of Grand Junction Office of the City Clerk 129.9 KB HISTORY/146
Sewer - 1975 - May 23 - Letter From J. E. Patterson To Bob Bray Office of the City Clerk 170.9 KB HISTORY/147
Sewer - 1975 - June 10 - Memo From Jim Patterson To Harvey Rose Discussing Grant Application Office of the City Clerk 23.9 KB HISTORY/148
Sewer - 1975 - July 23 - Statement Made by Albin Anderson at A Public Hearing Concerning The Proposed Adoption Office of the City Clerk 40.9 KB HISTORY/149
Sewer - 1975 - July 28 - Letter From Margaret M. Crowley To Jim Patterson Opposition To 201 Facilities Plan Office of the City Clerk 24.6 KB HISTORY/150
Sewer - 1975 - July 29 - Letter Robert Strain To Jim Patterson Re:protest of Inclusion Office of the City Clerk 22.7 KB HISTORY/151
Sewer - 1975 - August 01 - Letter From Suzanne Young To Jim Patterson Re:support Plan Office of the City Clerk 28.6 KB HISTORY/152
Sewer - 1975 - August 05 - Several Letters Concerning Joint Sewage System Office of the City Clerk 111.3 KB HISTORY/153