City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1975 - August 06 - City Council Accepts and Approves The Grand Junction Area Facilities Plan Office of the City Clerk 21.1 KB HISTORY/154
Sewer - 1975 - August 07 - Letters Concerning Area Facilities Plan Office of the City Clerk 79.1 KB HISTORY/155
Sewer - 1975 - August 19 - Letter from EPA to Albin Anderson Office of the City Clerk 34.0 KB HISTORY/156
Sewer - 1975 - August 25 - Letter From Ed Carpenter, Plateau Engineering To Commissioners Re: The Concept of A Regional Or Valley Plan and How It Could Be Organized and Financed Office of the City Clerk 77.6 KB HISTORY/157
Sewer - 1975 - September 02 - Facilities Plan, City of Grand Junction Prepared by NHPQ Office of the City Clerk 560.5 KB HISTORY/158
Sewer - 1975 - September 12 - Proposed Agreement Office of the City Clerk 314.5 KB HISTORY/159
Sewer - 1975 - November 05 - City Ordinance 1590 Office of the City Clerk 276.3 KB HISTORY/160
Sewer - 1975 - November 19 - Agreement Between City of Grand Junction and Orchard Mesa Sanitation District Regarding Connection by The District To The City System and Treatment of District Sewer by The City Office of the City Clerk 118.5 KB HISTORY/161
Sewer - 1975 - December 01 - Letter From J. E. Patterson To Richard Rush Re: Clean Water Act Office of the City Clerk 45.2 KB HISTORY/162
Sewer - 1976 - January 01 - Federal Grant for Waste Water Treatment Office of the City Clerk 101.2 KB HISTORY/163
Sewer - 1976 - January 28 - Agreement Between City of Grand Junction and Orchard Mesa Sanitation District - Duck Pond Lift Station Office of the City Clerk 32.7 KB HISTORY/164
Sewer - 1976 - March 19 - Agreement Between City of Grand Junction and OMSD Regarding District Elimination of Lift Station 33-93 and Additional Services To Be Provided by The City Office of the City Clerk 80.0 KB HISTORY/165
Sewer - 1976 - April 12 - Letter From Evan Dildine To Mayor Kozisek Re: Water Quality Control Office of the City Clerk 25.5 KB HISTORY/166
Sewer - 1976 - May 11 - Authorization To Discharge Under The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Office of the City Clerk 260.8 KB HISTORY/167
Sewer - 1976 - May 12 - Letter From Fred Matter To Jim Patterson Re: NPDES Permit for City Sewer System Office of the City Clerk 38.8 KB HISTORY/168