City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1977 - April 28 - Letter From Connie McDonough, City-County Development, To Colo. Dept of Health, Recommending Approval of Mr. Schumacher's Application for Site Approval of New Sewage Treatment Plant Office of the City Clerk 46.5 KB HISTORY/199
Sewer - 1977 - May 06 - Letter From Duane Jensen To Perry Schumacher, Stating Reasons for Recommendation To Water Quality Control Commission That Approval for New Sewage Treatment Plant Be Denied; Explanation by Perry Schumacher for Need for Sewage Office of the City Clerk 77.3 KB HISTORY/200
Sewer - 1977 - May 10 - Receipt and Option Contract, for Property at 2145 River Road Grand Junction Colorado Office of the City Clerk 149.6 KB HISTORY/201
Sewer - 1977 - May 11 - Minutes of Valley Wide Sewer Committee Meeting 2)Letter From James Biber To Jim Patterson Re Asking Price of Appraiser Office of the City Clerk 81.5 KB HISTORY/202
Sewer - 1977 - May 12 - Daily Sentinel Article "Sewer Plant Gets Committee Okay" Office of the City Clerk 184.5 KB HISTORY/203
Sewer - 1977 - May 26 - City of GJ Memo From Duane Jensen To John Tasker, Requesting Copies of Invoices Paid Re EPA Federal Projects Acct No. 450 Paradise Hills Interceptor and 490 Sewer Plant Modification Construction, In Order To Make Application for Office of the City Clerk 20.0 KB HISTORY/204
Sewer - 1977 - June 01 - June 1977 Progress Peport To Valley Wide Sewer Committee Grand Junction and Mesa County Colorado Office of the City Clerk 371.1 KB HISTORY/205
Sewer - 1977 - June 03 - Letter From W. L. Bredar, HDR, To D. J. Dufford, Inquiring as To Legal Ramifications, With Respect To Water Rights, of Implementing A Program of Land Application of Treated Sewage Effluent, Office of the City Clerk 36.1 KB HISTORY/206
Sewer - 1977 - June 16 - Letter From D. J. Dufford To W. L. Bredar Re: Opinion That Water Could Be Taken From River With Proper Permits Office of the City Clerk 24.7 KB HISTORY/207
Sewer - 1977 - June 30 - Letter From Duane Jensen To EPA, Requesting 75% Reimbursement for Construction Programs With Three Projects; Existing Treatment Plant Improvements, Paradise Hills Interceptor Sewer, Paradise Hills Interceptor Office of the City Clerk 40.9 KB HISTORY/208
Sewer - 1977 - July 01 - Memo from James Patterson, Acting City Manager, to Council Office of the City Clerk 22.7 KB HISTORY/209
Sewer - 1978 - January 30 - two Letters From Evan Dildine Colo Dept of Health To Alan Merson EPA Re: Water Quality, Approval of 201 Plan Office of the City Clerk 106.1 KB HISTORY/210
Sewer - 1978 - January 31 - Supplement No. 2 To Predesign Report Relating To Seasonal Ammonia Nitrogen Requirements Summary of Cost Evaluations [No Copies] and Comparison of Major Considerations [Copies] Office of the City Clerk 108.3 KB HISTORY/211
Sewer - 1978 - February 02 - Speed Message From Duane Jensen To Karl Henrichsen, HDR, Advising of Contact by Paul Barnell Stating Availability of Four-Filtrate Engineer Filter, Vacuum Filter Available for Sale by Gary Rural Community Sanitation. Office of the City Clerk 45.8 KB HISTORY/212
Sewer - 1978 - February 03 - Draft Letter From ? [City] To Alan Merson, EPA, Clarifying Statements Made In 1/30/78 Letter from Colorado Department of Health Office of the City Clerk 32.6 KB HISTORY/213