City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1978 - October 26 - Letter From Don Caraway, O. M. Sanitation Dist., To John Kinney With Copy of Letter To Pete Siegmund, Atkins Enginewering, Explaining OMSD Inspection Policies Office of the City Clerk 47.8 KB HISTORY/274
Sewer - 1978 - October 27 - Letter From J. E. Patterson To CGVSD Re: Policy District Established of Allowing No Annexations Into District When It Became Evident City Sewer Plant Will Run Out of Capacity Office of the City Clerk 65.1 KB HISTORY/275
Sewer - 1978 - October 30 - Review of Plans for Proposed Sewage Collection System Re: Village Nine 3 2nd Submittal Office of the City Clerk 40.6 KB HISTORY/276
Sewer - 1978 - November 09 - Monthly Letter Report No. 4 From Engineering-Science To EPA, Re Grand Junction Ammonia Toxicity Study Office of the City Clerk 14.4 KB HISTORY/277
Sewer - 1978 - November 16 - Letter From Albert Reuter CGVSD To Duane Jensen Requesting Additional Information On Proposed Use of TV To Check Sewer Lines Office of the City Clerk 34.7 KB HISTORY/278
Sewer - 1978 - November 20 - Memo From Jim Patterson To Larry Rasinski Re: Dewey Subdivision About Development Standards Being City Because of Possible Annexation Office of the City Clerk 27.2 KB HISTORY/279
Sewer - 1978 - November 21 - Several Documents, Memos Re: Ownership of Sewer Treatment Plant Office of the City Clerk 153.4 KB HISTORY/280
Sewer - 1978 - November 29 - Final Permit Number CO0026417 Office of the City Clerk 372.6 KB HISTORY/281
Sewer - 1978 - December 01 - Memo From Ron Rish City Engineer To Connie McDonough City/County Development Director Re: Proposed Mesa County Standards Specification for Road and Bridge Construction Office of the City Clerk 56.0 KB HISTORY/282
Sewer - 1978 - December 06 - Agreement Between City of Grand Junction and Destination Properties, Inc. Re: Consent of Annexation Upon Request of Peach Hill Subdivision Office of the City Clerk 66.2 KB HISTORY/283
Sewer - 1978 - December 14 - Letter From Robert Gerlofs Paragon Engineering To Duane Jensen Advising CGVSD Has Directed Contractor To Raise Manholes Where Necessary To Facilitate Access Office of the City Clerk 26.0 KB HISTORY/284
Sewer - 1978 - December 18 - Memo From Patterson To Wysocki Re: Interim Treatment Capacity Office of the City Clerk 42.9 KB HISTORY/285
Sewer - 1978 - December 20 - Letter Proposal From W. L. Bredar, Henningson, Durham and Richardson [HDR] To Duane Jensen, City of G. J. and Mesa County Utility Engineer, Accepted by City of Grand Junction and Mesa County Office of the City Clerk 72.4 KB HISTORY/286
Sewer - 1979 - January 11 - Letter From Jim Patterson To Sherman Robinson Re: Disconnect Sewer Charge Failure To Pay Fee 721 Galaxy Office of the City Clerk 25.1 KB HISTORY/287
Sewer - 1979 - February 05 - Letter From Duane Scott Western Colorado Contractor's Association To County Commissioners Office of the City Clerk 27.1 KB HISTORY/288