City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1980 - December 31 - Financial Statements and Auditors' Report City of Grand Junction/Mesa County, Colorado Joint Sewer System Dec. 31, 1980 by Chadwick, Steinkirchner, Davis & Co. (2 Copies) Office of the City Clerk 236.0 KB HISTORY/364
Sewer - 1981 - January 07 - City Ordinance 1934. An Ordinance Changing Sewer Rates. EQU Raised To $4.95 Beginning 2/1/81. Ordinance Effective 2/1/81 Office of the City Clerk 71.6 KB HISTORY/365
Sewer - 1981 - January 14 - Letter From Jim Abbott, HDR, To Jim Patterson Re: Where Connections Might Be Allowed Into The River Road Interceptor and Noting That, as To A Specific Area This Area Was Not Envisioned To Be In The Service Area Based On The Office of the City Clerk 67.5 KB HISTORY/366
Sewer - 1981 - January 15 - Letter From Jim Patterson To Ron Schuyler, Co. Dept. of Health, Re: Delays In Considering The Submitted Grant Applic. for Construction Office of the City Clerk 60.1 KB HISTORY/367
Sewer - 1981 - January 16 - Letter To James Patterson, City Utility Director, From Don Caraway, OMSD Manager, Responding To Mr. Patterson's 12/22/80 Letter and A City /OMSD Meeting On 1/12/81 Office of the City Clerk 24.8 KB HISTORY/368
Sewer - 1981 - January 19 - Letter To Harvey Hormberg, EPA, From Ron Schuyler, CDOH/WQCD Enclosing Grant Amendment No. 4 - Executed (With Enclosure) Office of the City Clerk 458.7 KB HISTORY/369
Sewer - 1981 - January 22 - Successor In Interest Agreement. MCA-81-8 Office of the City Clerk 75.7 KB HISTORY/370
Sewer - 1981 - January 23 - Letter To Jim Robb, State Representsative, From Rich Livingston, Requesting Assistance From Representastive Robb In Light of The Apparent Delays Resulting From CDOH Review of The Grant Applicatons Office of the City Clerk 35.4 KB HISTORY/371
Sewer - 1981 - January 26 - Permit No. CO-0026417 Authorization To Discharge Under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, Issued To City of G. J. Expires 6/30/83 Office of the City Clerk 544.6 KB HISTORY/372
Sewer - 1981 - February 05 - 208 Water Quality Control Plan Approved by EPA Region VIII (Previously Certified by Governor-12/23/80) Office of the City Clerk 173.7 KB HISTORY/373
Sewer - 1981 - February 10 - Memo From Pattrson and Wysocki To City Council and County Commissioners Re: Delay In Obtaining Construction Grant To Start Building The New Sewage Treatment Plant as A Result of Difficulty Getting Plans Approved by The State Office of the City Clerk 49.0 KB HISTORY/374
Sewer - 1981 - February 13 - Hand Written Memo From Al Vigil, To Fred Huff (EPA?) Attaching A Copy of The Executed Successor In Interest Agreement Between The City and The County and Comparing The Form of Agreement To The Form Contained In The Grants Office of the City Clerk 107.4 KB HISTORY/375
Sewer - 1981 - February 17 - Memo From Rish To Jim Patterson Re: Southgate Commons - Sanitary Sewers. Southgate Commons Is To Be A Private System Served by OMSD But Built To City Sewer Standards Office of the City Clerk 24.5 KB HISTORY/376
Sewer - 1981 - February 18 - Memo From Ron Rish To Jim Patterson Re: Southgate Commons - Sanitary Sewers. Southgate Commons Is To Be A Private System Served by OMSD But Built To City Sewer Standards Office of the City Clerk 33.2 KB HISTORY/377
Sewer - 1981 - March 13 - Letter To Arden Wallum, CDOH/WQCD, From Jim Patterson Re: Comments and Objections To Recently Issued NPDES Permit CO-0026417 Focusing On The City's Ability To Meet The Compliance Schedule and Implement 1&1 Issues Related To Office of the City Clerk 58.6 KB HISTORY/378