City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1981 - October 27 - Memo From Ralph Sterry To Steve Hansen, Listing Additional Problem Areas In CGVSD Sewer Systems Office of the City Clerk 24.3 KB HISTORY/409
Sewer - 1981 - November 05 - Letter From Steven Hanson, City Assistance Finance Director Ot CGVSD Attaching 10/27/81 Memo Regarding Additional Problem Areas In CGVSD and Requesting Cooperation and Assistance In Resolving Those Problems Office of the City Clerk 46.6 KB HISTORY/410
Sewer - 1981 - November 09 - Super 8 Motel Sewer Line Charge Office of the City Clerk 57.0 KB HISTORY/411
Sewer - 1981 - November 10 - Letter From CGVSD To The City Requesting That Steven Hanson Assistance Finance Director, Meet With The CGVSD Board On 11/23/81 (Re: Hanson's 11/5/81 Letter and The 10/27/81 Memo From Ralph Sterry Regarding CGVSD Additional Office of the City Clerk 22.6 KB HISTORY/412
Sewer - 1981 - November 18 - Amendment To 1978 Escrow Agreement Re: Sewer Sinking Fund Office of the City Clerk 64.8 KB HISTORY/413
Sewer - 1981 - November 20 - Letter From Pete Heye, Project Manager, HDR Mesa County/City of Grand Junction, Attention: Jim Patterson Regarding Recommendation That The Bid of Robert Dougan Construction Co., Be Accepted for Construction of Schedules A Office of the City Clerk 55.2 KB HISTORY/414
Sewer - 1981 - November 30 - Letter From Louie Brach, Mayor Otto Frank Rozich, Colorado Department of Health, (Also Signed by Curt Weideman, County Administrator) Re: Request for Additional EPA Funds ($1.6 Million In Surplus Following The EPA Granting Office of the City Clerk 37.6 KB HISTORY/415
Sewer - 1981 - December 02 - Memo From Patterson To Curt Weideman Re: Vineyard Sub. Sewer - City Will Not Accept Ownership Until The Pump Station On Site Is Installed and Tested, A Manhole Problem Is Corrected, as Built Reproducible Drawings Are Provided Office of the City Clerk 22.4 KB HISTORY/416
Sewer - 1981 - December 03 - Letter To Don Caraway, Manager From Jim Patterson, City Utilities Director, Re: Sewer Service Fee of $6.10 Per EQU 1/81. Requests Notice of Any Adjustment To The District's Portion of The Monthly Service Fee. Acknowledges Office of the City Clerk 22.4 KB HISTORY/417
Sewer - 1981 - December 04 - Letter From John D. Tasker, City Finance Director, To Don Caraway, OMSD Manager, Re: Responding On Behalf of Jim Wysocki To State That The City Will Not Discount The Present Service Charge If OMSD Takes Over Its Own Billing. Office of the City Clerk 28.5 KB HISTORY/418
Sewer - 1981 - December 30 - Memo From Patterson To Curt Weideman and Jim Wysocki With HDR's 11/20/81 Letter Attached. Patterson's Recommendation Is "That Mesa County Authorize The Awarding of The Contracts To Robert Dougan Construction Co., Subject To Office of the City Clerk 22.3 KB HISTORY/419
Sewer - 1982 - January 01 - Impact Assistance Contract City Contracting With The State Dept. of Local Affairs for $1,500,000.00 In Impact Assistance Funds Pursuant To 39-29-101 Et. Seq. and 34-63-101 Et. Seq. Including Scope of Work and Local, State Office of the City Clerk 167.2 KB HISTORY/420
Sewer - 1982 - January 05 - Contract Between Mesa County (The Owner) and Robert Dougan Construction Company (Contractor) for The Construction of The Persigo Wash Wastewater Treatment Plant. #MCA 82-10 HD&R Proj. No. 73-60-10 Office of the City Clerk 443.3 KB HISTORY/421
Sewer - 1982 - January 27 - Memo From Eric Damian Kelley and Earl Potter To Mesa County Utility Coordinating Committee (UCC) - Effective 2/1/82 The Board of County Commissioners Will No Longer Allow The UCC To Have A Veto Power Over Any Development Office of the City Clerk 27.1 KB HISTORY/422
Sewer - 1982 - January 29 - CDOH Interoffice Communciation (Handwritten Memo) From Mary Gearhart To Tom Tayon Raising Questions Following Her Review of The City HDR Step III (Construction) Engineering Services Contract, Including Reference To The Office of the City Clerk 118.9 KB HISTORY/423