City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1982 - February 05 - City of GJ Memo From Dick Case To Ralph Sterry Re Maintenance Cost on Central Grand Valley Sewer System for 1981 Office of the City Clerk 52.7 KB HISTORY/424
Sewer - 1982 - February 08 - Letter From Ronald Ruskey, Asst. City Manager, To Edith Kinder, CGVSD, Providing Breakdown of Fees Remitted To City for Services Rendered Office of the City Clerk 23.7 KB HISTORY/425
Sewer - 1982 - March 04 - City-County Planning Memo From Daryl Shrum, Karl Metzner To Mesa County Commissioners Re: Review of Development Activity North of I-70 and East of 22 Road, Advising Sewer Cannot Be Made Available Unless "201" Is Expanded, Office of the City Clerk 967.8 KB HISTORY/426
Sewer - 1982 - March 14 - Daily Sentinel Article "Commissioners Reconsidering Proposals - Rezoning Requests Epitomize Planning Problem." Author: Michael Moss. Principle Concern: Expansion of The 201 and Land Use Related Decisions Associated With Requests Office of the City Clerk 137.3 KB HISTORY/427
Sewer - 1982 - April 19 - Memo To The County Commissioners From The City/County Planning Department and Grand Junction Public Works Planning Dept. (Author's Initials: "CD" ) Re: 201 Boundary Question - Recommendations for Immediate Action Regarding Office of the City Clerk 68.8 KB HISTORY/428
Sewer - 1982 - May 05 - Memo From Eric Kelly To Board of County Commissioners Planning Commission, Transmitting Policy Statement and Requesting Comments Prior To Making It Public Office of the City Clerk 518.0 KB HISTORY/429
Sewer - 1982 - May 13 - Letter From George White, Mesa County Commissioners, To Louis Brach, Mayor, Expressing Concern Over Rigid 201 Boundary Lines, Advising Their Staff And Consultants Have Been Asked To Investigate Methods by Which The Boundary Could Office of the City Clerk 48.8 KB HISTORY/430
Sewer - 1982 - May 21 - Memo From Ron Rish To Jim Patterson Re: Mesa County Policy Statement Proposed by Eric Kelley - Rish's Review Per Patterson's Request Office of the City Clerk 83.0 KB HISTORY/431
Sewer - 1982 - May 25 - Memo From Ralph Sterry To Jim Patterson Re: Eric Kelley's Policy Statement - Requested Analysis and Review by Patterson. Sterry's Comments Address The Issues of System Management and Ownership Office of the City Clerk 42.3 KB HISTORY/432
Sewer - 1982 - June 03 - Letter From James Patterson To Mesa County Commissioners, Re: Area Served by Paradise Hills Company Not Included In 201 Boundaries, Asking If This Was A Mistake Office of the City Clerk 38.6 KB HISTORY/433
Sewer - 1982 - June 14 - Letter To Mr. James Patterson, Public Works Director, City of Grand Junction, From Steven J. Durham, Regional Administrator, EPA Office of the City Clerk 433.9 KB HISTORY/434
Sewer - 1982 - June 21 - Letter From Roger Ladd & Co. Signed by General Partners Robert H. Gardner and Roger W. Ladd To Complain About The Manner In Which The City and County Building Dept. and The Special Districts Collect Sewer Clearances Fees Office of the City Clerk 49.5 KB HISTORY/435
Sewer - 1982 - July 29 - Memo From Jim Patterson To Jim Wysocki Re: Eric Kelley Is Proposing Changes In The 201 Sewer Service Area Boundary Possibly Suggesting The Deletion of Rivers and Floodplain Areas In Order To Add Area Elsewhere. Office of the City Clerk 19.9 KB HISTORY/436
Sewer - 1982 - August 12 - Letter From George White, Chairman Mesa County Commissioners To "To Whom It May Concern" Enclosing A Copy of The Proposed "Mesa County Land Use and Development Policies" as Proposed Office of the City Clerk 324.7 KB HISTORY/437
Sewer - 1982 - August 17 - Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between West-Cal Construction and City of GJ Reconstruction of Retaining Wall Along G Road Office of the City Clerk 43.4 KB HISTORY/438