City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1982 - August 20 - Letter From Robert Gardner, Oxford Avenue, Ltd. To John Tasker Re: Vineyard Plant Expansion Fees Office of the City Clerk 152.0 KB HISTORY/439
Sewer - 1982 - August 24 - Letter From James Patterson To George White, Mesa County Commissioners, Recommending Procedures To Follow If "201" Service Area Boundary for Persigo Wastewater Treatment Plan Is To Be Changed Office of the City Clerk 32.5 KB HISTORY/440
Sewer - 1982 - August 25 - Letter From John Krizman, CGVSD, To Daryl Shrum, Advising Willingness To Provide Sanitary Sewer Service To and Annexation of Property at NW Corner of C Road and 32 Road Pursuant To Conditions Cited Office of the City Clerk 30.0 KB HISTORY/441
Sewer - 1982 - August 26 - Memo From Jack Reutzel To Jim Patterson, Commenting On Mesa County Land Use and Development Policies Office of the City Clerk 172.3 KB HISTORY/442
Sewer - 1982 - August 27 - CDOH Interoffice Communication (Hand Written) From Tom Tayon To Mary Gearhart Requesting Documentation Yet To Be Received From The City Relating To The Draft Industrial Waste Ordinance, Which The Next Payment Request Will Be Office of the City Clerk 56.2 KB HISTORY/443
Sewer - 1982 - September 03 - City Utility Billing Work Order for Sewer Tap Fees In The Vineyards Office of the City Clerk 92.1 KB HISTORY/444
Sewer - 1982 - October 08 - Letter From Terry A. Hamlin Valley Home and Property Owner's Alliance To Eric Kelly Re: Valley Home and Property Owner's Alliance Recommendations - Appears To Concern Issues Surrounding The Airport and The Homeowner's Alliance Office of the City Clerk 22.6 KB HISTORY/445
Sewer - 1982 - October 15 - CDOH Memorandum From Mary Gerhart To Cal Youngberg, Tom Tayon and Regina King Summarizing Grant and Permit Conditions for Grand Junction Relating To Grants (Co-0337-26-0 and 26-1 Office of the City Clerk 101.9 KB HISTORY/446
Sewer - 1982 - November 04 - Letter To Louie Brach, Mayor of Grand Junction, From Ronald G. Schuyler, P. E., Deputy Director, Water Quality Control Division, Co. Dept. of Health, Re: In The Matter of City of GJ, Mesa County, Colorado Office of the City Clerk 335.7 KB HISTORY/447
Sewer - 1982 - November 16 - Letter From James Patterson To Alex Thompson, Explaining Capacity of New Sewage Treatment Plant, Advising Decision To Include Areas Outside The "201" Area Is To Be Made by Mesa County Commissioners Office of the City Clerk 23.5 KB HISTORY/448
Sewer - 1982 - November 26 - Memo From Steve Johnson To Jim Patterson and Gerald Ashby Re: Legal Authority and Enforcement of Proposed Pretreatment Program, Stressing Review of Connection Agreements With Participating Sewage Collection Agencies To Meet Office of the City Clerk 71.6 KB HISTORY/449
Sewer - 1982 - December 02 - Final Areawide Environmental Impact Statement for The Grand Junction, Co. Study Area Prepared by Sum X Corporation at The Request of The U. S. Dept. of HUD Relative To Proposed Action for Future Federally Assisted Housing Office of the City Clerk 2.1 MB HISTORY/450
Sewer - 1982 - December 20 - Letter From Ralph Sterry To Edith Kinder, CGVSD, Advising That Field Sewer Maintenance Crews Budget and Supervision Has Been Shifted To Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations. (References That Plant and Systems Are County Office of the City Clerk 45.1 KB HISTORY/451
Sewer - 1982 - December 21 - Letter To Jim Patterson From Grand Valley Rural Powerlines, Inc. Re: The Need To Special Order Equipment In Order To Provide Electric Service To The Persigo Plant Office of the City Clerk 37.3 KB HISTORY/452
Sewer - 1982 - December 22 - City of Grand Junction Memo From Dick Case To Edith Kinder, CGVSD, Reporting On Sewer Backup at 508 30 Road On 12/21/82 Office of the City Clerk 46.9 KB HISTORY/453