City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1982 - December 29 - Letter From Jerry Smith, Colorado Division of Impact Assistance, Dept. of Local Affairs Re: State Impact Assistance Grant - Persigo Sewer Treatment Plant ($1,500,000. 00) Office of the City Clerk 29.7 KB HISTORY/454
Sewer - 1983 - January 04 - City of Grand Junction Memo From Dick Case To Edith Kinder, Itemized List of Costs Incurred In Sewer Back-up at 508 30 Road Office of the City Clerk 39.3 KB HISTORY/455
Sewer - 1983 - January 05 - Letter To Grand Valley Rural Powerlines, Inc. From Jim Patterson Authorizing The Special Order of Equipment Necessary for The Installation of Electric Service To The Persigo Plant and Further Representing The Relationship Office of the City Clerk 24.2 KB HISTORY/456
Sewer - 1983 - January 06 - Letter From James Patterson To Members and Officers of Fairway Sewer District Regarding Ownership and Operation Office of the City Clerk 142.9 KB HISTORY/457
Sewer - 1983 - January 10 - Letter From Dick Bowman, CDOH To Bennett Boeschenstein, Mesa County Development Department Re: CDOH Review of Proposed Mesa County Land Development Code - CDOH Comments Relating To The Joint Sewer System Office of the City Clerk 33.2 KB HISTORY/458
Sewer - 1983 - January 11 - Letter From CGVSD To City of Grand Junction , Advising Board Voted Not To Increase EQU But Will Acknowledge City's EQU Increase Office of the City Clerk 54.2 KB HISTORY/459
Sewer - 1983 - January 18 - Letter From Patricia Nelson, Colorado Dept. of Health, To James Patterson, Advising of Health, To James Patterson, Advising of Necessity To Submit Salinity Report and Service Area Data Office of the City Clerk 34.0 KB HISTORY/460
Sewer - 1983 - February 23 - Memo (handwritten) From Steve Johnson To Curt Weideman Transmitting Copies of Recent Correspondence Re: Grant Compliance for Persigo (I. E., 3/23/83 Letters?) Office of the City Clerk 62.5 KB HISTORY/461
Sewer - 1983 - March 11 - City of Grand Junction Memo From Ralph Sterry To Jim Patterson Re 451 Mesa County Sewer Problems Office of the City Clerk 26.7 KB HISTORY/462
Sewer - 1983 - March 14 - Letter From James Patterson To William Hormberg, EPA, Enclosing Exhibits To Support Decision Not To Construct Modifications and To Change Section 201 Facilities Plan (No Attachs. ) Office of the City Clerk 41.4 KB HISTORY/463
Sewer - 1983 - March 16 - Letter From Steve Johnson To Jim Von Tongeln, Enclosing City/County Sewer Agreements, Advising County Commissioners Approved Extension of Area for Properties Adjacent To Paradise Hills Interceptor Office of the City Clerk 22.7 KB HISTORY/464
Sewer - 1983 - March 17 - Memo From Jim Patterson To Jim Wysocki and Curt Wiedeman Reporting On 3/15/83 Public Hearing Before State Water Quality Control Commission Re: Construction Grant Project Priority List for Federal Funds Y-83, Advising Grand Office of the City Clerk 32.3 KB HISTORY/465
Sewer - 1983 - March 23 - Memo (handwritten) From Steve Johnson To Curt Weideman Transmitting Copies of Recent Correspondence Re: Grant Compliance for Persigo (I. E., 3/23/83 Letters?) Office of the City Clerk 38.7 KB HISTORY/466
Sewer - 1983 - March 24 - Intergovernmental Agreement Between The City of Grand Junction and Mesa County Office of the City Clerk 114.2 KB HISTORY/467
Sewer - 1983 - April 04 - Letter From Jerry O'Brien To CGVSD Revising Certain Items That Need Correction Listed In 3/23/83 Letter Office of the City Clerk 37.3 KB HISTORY/468