City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1983 - August 18 - City of Grand Junction Memorandum From Steve Johnson To Jim Patterson, et al, Re Bluffs Area Sewer Service Charges (Whether Or When Standard City Rate To Be Applied), (Reference To City/Bluffs Agreement Which Allows The Bluffs Office of the City Clerk 75.2 KB HISTORY/484
Sewer - 1983 - September 01 - Memo From Steve Johnson, Grand Junction Dept. of Public Works and Utilities To Mesa County Public Works Group Local Improvement District Committee Re: Existing Framework for Sewage Collection System Expansion for The Persigo Office of the City Clerk 59.5 KB HISTORY/485
Sewer - 1983 - September 20 - Memo From Lyle Dechant To Commissioners Re: Establishment of The County-wide Sewer District - Legal and Political Analysis of The Possible Formation of A Sewer District Which Might Ultimately Be County-wide Office of the City Clerk 50.2 KB HISTORY/486
Sewer - 1983 - September 27 - Letter From Jim Young, Chairman of Mesa County Planning Commission To The Board of County Commissioners Re: Endorsement of The County Commissioner's Interest In Developing A County-wide Sewer Management Program Office of the City Clerk 31.9 KB HISTORY/487
Sewer - 1983 - September 30 - Memo From Mark Eckert To Bennett Boeschenstein et al Re: City/County Sewer System Issues (This Memo Relates To The Work of The Public Works Group Concerning The City/County Sewer System) Office of the City Clerk 23.4 KB HISTORY/488
Sewer - 1983 - October 05 - Note and Agreement Re 15 Reisling Court, Grand Junction; 4/23/82 Letter From Wiley D. Snodgrass, Destination Properties, Inc. To John Tasker, City Finance Director, Enclosing Copies of PIF Receipts, Receipts Nos. 9896, 9886, Office of the City Clerk 41.7 KB HISTORY/489
Sewer - 1983 - October 06 - Memo From Steve Johnson To Jim Patterson and Gerald Ashby Re Country Squire Recovery Back Agreement, Sewer Extension Policies In Redlands. Raises The Question, In The County, Is The County Going To Require The Developers Office of the City Clerk 36.4 KB HISTORY/490
Sewer - 1983 - October 18 - Memo From Mark Eckert To Multiple County Staff Members Together With Steve Johnson and Jim Pattrson Re: Scheduling of Upcoming Public Works Group Meetings - Initial Draft of Sewer Issues Paper (Attached) Office of the City Clerk 361.9 KB HISTORY/491
Sewer - 1983 - October 25 - Memo From Steve Johnson To Jim Patterson, Gerald Ashby John Tasker Re: Use of The Sewer Fund To Finance Sewer Stub-outs and Associated Costs as Part of A Sewer Line Extension In The County. Office of the City Clerk 31.9 KB HISTORY/492
Sewer - 1983 - November 01 - Handwritten Memorandum From Mark Eckert To Lyle Dechant Re: County-wide Sewer District (The Advantages and Disadvantages Relative To Geography, Previous Contract Commitments and System Operation Office of the City Clerk 142.1 KB HISTORY/493
Sewer - 1983 - November 03 - Letter From Robert O'brien, General Growth, To Darrel Lowder, Advising of Problems and How Will Proceed Office of the City Clerk 42.0 KB HISTORY/494
Sewer - 1983 - November 10 - Mesa County Sewer Issues Paper (Draft) Prepared by The Public Works Group Created by The County To Study The Problems of Sewer Service In The County Beginning In September, 1983 Office of the City Clerk 154.4 KB HISTORY/495
Sewer - 1983 - November 15 - Resolution No. MCM83-219 Board of Commissioners Position Concerning The 1984 Rate Structure for The Persigo Wash Wastewater Treatment Plant Operation and Orderly System Expansion (To Promote Time Timely and Orderly Connection Office of the City Clerk 47.0 KB HISTORY/496
Sewer - 1983 - December 12 - Letter From Jim Robb, Home Owner Attorney for Casa Rado Condominium Association, To Jim Patterson Re: Proposed Transfer of Ownership of Tiara Rado Package Plant To The City of Grand Junction and Subsequent PIF and Sewer Office of the City Clerk 56.0 KB HISTORY/497
Sewer - 1983 - December 13 - Memo From Steve Johnson To Mark Eckert, Bennett Boeschenstein, et al. Re: Meeting With Tiara Rado Homeowner's Assoc. and There are Numerous Misconceptions Held by The Homeowners But A Lot of Animosity Towards Both The City Office of the City Clerk 50.2 KB HISTORY/498