City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1983 - December 15 - Letter From Jim Patterson To James Robb, Kelley, Stansfield & O'Donnell, Responding To Concerns Expressed by Mr. Robb Relative To The Tiara Rado Area Property Owners Connection of The Tiara Rado Collection System Office of the City Clerk 61.7 KB HISTORY/499
Sewer - 1983 - December 20 - Memo From Steve Johnson To Wysocki, Ashby (Acting City Manager) and Patterson Re: Industrial Pretreatment Ordinance - Background Information To Be Used by The Council and City Staff In Order To Be Able To Answer Questions Office of the City Clerk 63.3 KB HISTORY/500
Sewer - 1983 - December 21 - Letter From Jim Young, Chairman Mesa County Planning Commission To The Commissioners Commenting On The 12/15/83 Presentation by The Planning Staff Of the County Sewer Policy Study and Recommending A Delay In The Formation Office of the City Clerk 44.7 KB HISTORY/501
Sewer - 1983 - December 30 - Recommendations for Sewer Service Policy In Mesa County - The White Paper Created by The Mesa County Public Works Group Appointed by The Commissioners In September, 1983, To Study The Issues of Sewer Service and Accounting Office of the City Clerk 116.1 KB HISTORY/502
Sewer - 1984 - January 04 - Memo From Steve Johnson To Jim Patterson Gerald Ashby Re Sewer Charges and The City's Power To Charge Interest On Delinquent Accounts In Relation To The Development of Payment Schedules for Tiara Rado and Monument Meadows Office of the City Clerk 34.6 KB HISTORY/503
Sewer - 1984 - January 06 - Form Letter From Jim Patterson Advising Individuals Re: The Adoption of The Industrial Pretreatment Program and Notifying Them of The Need To Comply Office of the City Clerk 39.3 KB HISTORY/504
Sewer - 1984 - January 11 - Opinion Letter From Gerald Ashby and Stephen Johnson To Patrick Godsil, EPA, Re Pretreatment Program Submission and Approval Request, Stating City Has Legal Authority (Page 2 References City as Designated Manager/Operator Office of the City Clerk 79.0 KB HISTORY/505
Sewer - 1984 - January 12 - Handwritten Notes Regarding Telephone Call by Patricia Nelson, CDOH, With Jim Patterson, Advising Patterson That A Temporary Permit Would Be Possible To Allow Start Up of The Persigo Plant as of 1/16/84 Office of the City Clerk 66.7 KB HISTORY/506
Sewer - 1984 - January 19 - City of GJ Memo From Ralph Sterry To Ken Reedy Re Mesa Mall Sewer and Lift Stations Office of the City Clerk 56.9 KB HISTORY/507
Sewer - 1984 - January 24 - CDOH Interoffice Memo From Dick Bowman To Ron Schuyler - The City's Discharge Permit List Capacity of The Plant at 20 M. G. D., The Site Application Was Approved Fro 12.5 M. G. D. - "Which Capacity do You Use When Enforcing Office of the City Clerk 39.9 KB HISTORY/508
Sewer - 1984 - January 26 - Agenda "Sewer Policy Paper" Introduces by Mark Eckert and Presented by Bennett Boeschenstein and Marce Teas, County Planning. Attached To The Agenda Is The 12/20/83 "Recommendations for Sewer Service Policy In Mesa County" Office of the City Clerk 219.3 KB HISTORY/509
Sewer - 1984 - January 27 - Memo From Steven B. Johnson, Assistant County Attorney To Mark Eckert, Assistant Administrator Re: Request To Jim Patterson From The County To Provide The County With Information and Analysis Concerning: The Possibility of Office of the City Clerk 244.1 KB HISTORY/510
Sewer - 1984 - January 30 - Mesa County Commissioners Memo From Mark Eckert To Jim Patterson, Comments On Persigo 201 Plan Update, The Sewer Rate and Grand Junction Infiltration Studies (Synopsis of Staff Comments) ; Handwritten Notes Re 201 Plan Update Office of the City Clerk 509.1 KB HISTORY/511
Sewer - 1984 - February 06 - Memo From Mark Eckert, Asst. County Adminis., To Jim Patterson, Review of City/County Staff Discussions On Persigo 201 Plan Update Sewer Rate and Grand Junction Infiltration/Inflow Studies Office of the City Clerk 58.0 KB HISTORY/512
Sewer - 1984 - February 10 - CDOH Action Information Request Nothing That CDOH Needed To Obtain EPA Approval of The Proposed Pretreatment Program Because The State Had Not Been Delegated This Authority by EPA Office of the City Clerk 59.4 KB HISTORY/513