City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1984 - March 04 - Handwritten Notes Taken During Consultant Selection Process - 201 Update Office of the City Clerk 56.0 KB HISTORY/514
Sewer - 1984 - March 13 - CDOH Interoffice Communication From Cal Youngberg To Frank Rozich Requesting That Mr. Rozich's Staff Research The Possibility of Withholding Grant Funds Committed To The Preparation of The City's Plan of Operation Since The Office of the City Clerk 28.1 KB HISTORY/515
Sewer - 1984 - March 19 - Letter From Patrick J. Godsil, EPA To Jim Patterson Re: Industrial Pre-treatment Program Submittal Office of the City Clerk 28.1 KB HISTORY/516
Sewer - 1984 - March 21 - Letter From Jim Patterson To Maxine Albers Enclosing A Letter From The EPA Re: The Submittal of The Industrial Pre-treatment Program Office of the City Clerk 27.9 KB HISTORY/517
Sewer - 1984 - March 23 - Memo From Mark Eckert To Jim Patterson Re Septic Disposal - How Is It Going To Be Handled at The Persigo Plant? Will It Be Accepted Or Wll The County Continue To Use The Landfill? Office of the City Clerk 25.7 KB HISTORY/518
Sewer - 1984 - March 28 - Memo From Steve Johnson, Assistant County Attorney To Mark Eckert, Assistant County Administrator Re: City Acquisition of Sewer Right-of-Ways On Behalf of Mesa County. Johnson Knows From His Prior Employment With The City That Office of the City Clerk 46.6 KB HISTORY/519
Sewer - 1984 - March 29 - Mesa County Commissioners Memo From Mark Eckert To Ken Reedy, Re Expansion/Contraction of 201 Boundary Update Study, Making Proposal Re Guidelines and Evaluation Model, Re-emphasizing County's Needs Office of the City Clerk 30.8 KB HISTORY/520
Sewer - 1984 - April 03 - Supplemental Sewer Service Agreement Between Fruitvale Water & Sanitation District and City of Grand Junction Re Delegation of City's Administrative and Enforcement Power Re District's Pretreatment Program Office of the City Clerk 82.0 KB HISTORY/521
Sewer - 1984 - April 04 - Memo From Patterson To Eckert Re City's Intent To Accept Material Pump From Septic Tanks at The New Persigo Plant. The City Intends To Delay The Commencement of Acceptance of Septic Tank Loads Until The Plant Is Running Smoothly Office of the City Clerk 146.3 KB HISTORY/522
Sewer - 1984 - April 09 - Resolution of Central Grand Valley Sanitation District Establishing An Industrial Pretreatment Program With The City Adopting The Industrial Pretreatment Program and Agreeing for The City To Enforce That Program Office of the City Clerk 47.3 KB HISTORY/523
Sewer - 1984 - April 24 - MCA 84-45 Supplemental Joint Sewerage Agreement Re: Industrial Re-treatment Office of the City Clerk 51.4 KB HISTORY/524
Sewer - 1984 - May 02 - Agreements for Professional Services Between The City of Grand Junction and Mesa County and ARIX Re 201 Update of Grand Junction and Mesa County Joint Sewage System Facilities Plan and for Sewer and Water Rate Studies. Office of the City Clerk 314.1 KB HISTORY/525
Sewer - 1984 - May 03 - Letter From Jerry O'Brien, Persigo Facility Supervisor To Jeb Love, Permit & Enforcement Section, WQCD/CDOH Re: Rely To Cease and Desist Order - Alleged Permit Violation Office of the City Clerk 54.5 KB HISTORY/526
Sewer - 1984 - May 23 - Letter From Max H. Dodson, EPA To Jim Patterson Re: Industrial Pre-treatment Program Office of the City Clerk 35.7 KB HISTORY/527
Sewer - 1984 - June 01 - Memo From Lyle Dechant To Mark Eckert and Steve Johnson Re: Proposed Memorandum of Agreement Between EPA and City Of Grand Junction Re: Industrial Pre-treatment Program Office of the City Clerk 23.9 KB HISTORY/528