City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1984 - October 17 - Memo From Tom Douville, Mesa County Environmental Health Director To Jim Patterson, Public Works Director, Re Septic and Sludge and Request for Staffing Budget and Budget Summary Office of the City Clerk 25.6 KB HISTORY/544
Sewer - 1984 - October 19 - Letter From St. Paul Property & Liability Ins. To Mesa County Engineer Requesting Completion of Status Form Office of the City Clerk 95.7 KB HISTORY/545
Sewer - 1984 - November 06 - Warranty Bond by Infilco To Mesa County & City of Grand Junction Office of the City Clerk 33.8 KB HISTORY/546
Sewer - 1984 - November 15 - Memo From Ralph Sterry To Jerry O'Brien Providing Information for Sewer Rate Evaluation Office of the City Clerk 486.4 KB HISTORY/547
Sewer - 1984 - December 04 - Memo From Mark Eckert To Jim Patterson Re 1&1 Study of Persigo 201 Area Prepared by Nichols, Advising County Happy To Assist In Preparing Detailed Sewer Maps for Areas Needing Same Office of the City Clerk 22.6 KB HISTORY/548
Sewer - 1984 - December 27 - Memo From Patterson To Eckert Re: Keeping The Nicholos 1&1 Study Up To Date and The Updating of The Study for Areas Outside of The City. Note: "Announcement That as of 1/21/85 Patterson's Activities With The City Will Be Office of the City Clerk 42.1 KB HISTORY/549
Sewer - 1984 - December 30 - "Recommendations for Sewer Service Policy In Mesa County" , and Document Created by The "Mesa County Public Works Group." This Document Identifies Issues and Problems Facing Mesa County With Regard To Sewer Service Office of the City Clerk 117.0 KB HISTORY/550
Sewer - 1984 - December 31 - City of Grand Junction/Mesa County, Colorado Joint Sewer System Financial Statements and Additional Information With Report of Certified Public Accountants Year Ended December 31, 1984, by Allen Ross & Company Office of the City Clerk 188.2 KB HISTORY/551
Sewer - 1985 - January 09 - Memo From Jim Patterson To Steve Johnson. Patterson Is Leaving The Job as The Public Works Director, Will Take Two Weeks Vacation and Then Begin Work at The Persigo Plant On Sewer System Related Projects. Office of the City Clerk 38.7 KB HISTORY/552
Sewer - 1985 - March 01 - A Report To Mesa County On The Persigo Wastewater Treatment Plant And Collection Service Area Prepared by Jim Patterson Office of the City Clerk 1.6 MB HISTORY/553
Sewer - 1985 - March 11 - Letter From Michael Graham (Persigo Operator) To "To Whom It May Concern" - (Copies To Governor County Administrator, City Manager, CDOH and EPA Personnel). Complaints Re: Noncompliance With Grant Conditions Re Operator Training Office of the City Clerk 58.1 KB HISTORY/554
Sewer - 1985 - March 13 - Memo From Ralph Sterry To Mark Achen Re: Final Inspection of Persigo Plant by Dick Bowman for Determination of EPA State Grant Close Out Office of the City Clerk 33.5 KB HISTORY/555
Sewer - 1985 - March 15 - Letter From Ronald G. Schuyler CDOH Water Quality Control Division To Mayor Pacheco Re: Enclosed Notice of Violation and Cease and Desist Order Concerning The City and County's Permit Number CO-0021580 Office of the City Clerk 34.8 KB HISTORY/556
Sewer - 1985 - March 19 - Interoffice Memo From Bill Mckee WQCD/CDOH To Ray Mohr, Air Pollution Control Division/CDOH Re: Population Projections and 201 Plan - Mesa County Office of the City Clerk 29.7 KB HISTORY/557
Sewer - 1985 - March 20 - Memo From Tom Douville, County Health Department To Gordon Tiffany, County Administrator, Re: Suggestions for Additional Input by The Colorado Department of Health and Patterson's Intent To Leave The Area Office of the City Clerk 36.0 KB HISTORY/558