City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1986 - January 23 - Speed Message From Sterry To Shanks Re County RFP Office of the City Clerk 53.7 KB HISTORY/574
Sewer - 1986 - February 07 - City of Grand Junction/Mesa County Sanitary Sewerage System (Revised Information In 201 Area and Interceptor Line Needs Specific To The Redlands Area 201. Boundary Information Specific To Boundary Changes); 2/7/86 City of GJ Office of the City Clerk 109.9 KB HISTORY/575
Sewer - 1986 - February 17 - Letter From William Kane To Gerald Ashby, City Attorney, Re Litigation Between Vineyards and The Bluffs Re Sewer Taps, Inquiring If City Wll Help Resolve Litigation and Clear Up Ownership of Sewer Lines In Question Proposing Office of the City Clerk 62.2 KB HISTORY/576
Sewer - 1986 - February 20 - Speed Message From Ralph Sterry To Jim Shanks Re How 201 Area Population Flow Was Originally Calculated Office of the City Clerk 122.3 KB HISTORY/577
Sewer - 1986 - March 03 - Speed Message From Ralph Sterry To Jim Shanks Advising No One Had Instructed HDR To Provide Mylars for Goat Draw and Tiara Rado Interceptors [Item Is Grant Eligible] Office of the City Clerk 49.9 KB HISTORY/578
Sewer - 1986 - March 06 - Memo From Jim Shanks To Gerald Ashby Re Vineyards Sewer (City Collecting and Reimbursing $1050 Capital Improvement Charge for New Taps, Reference To City Formally Accepting Sewer Taps) Office of the City Clerk 24.3 KB HISTORY/579
Sewer - 1986 - May 07 - Memo From Jim Shanks To Mark Achen Re: Redlands Sewer Customer Potential - The City Is Looking for Potential Customers To Increase Revenues (e. g. an Additional 690 Customers Would Contribute $49,680. 00 Per Year for The Backbone Office of the City Clerk 123.0 KB HISTORY/580
Sewer - 1986 - August 12 - Memo From Larry Clever, City Comptroller To Mark Achen Re: Sewer Tap Policy - Payment of Tap Fees and PIF Fees Within and Without The Special Districts - In Part Depends Upon Status of Development On The Property. No Mention Office of the City Clerk 20.2 KB HISTORY/581
Sewer - 1986 - November 24 - Mesa County Health Department Memo Re: The Use of Individual Sewage Disposal Systems Vs. Sewer In The Redlands Village Are Areas Number 1 Local Improvement District Office of the City Clerk 46.4 KB HISTORY/582
Sewer - 1986 - December 17 - Memo From Gerald Ashby To Mayor and City Council Re Connection To City/County Sewerage System as It Relates To Annexation Policies Office of the City Clerk 30.6 KB HISTORY/583
Sewer - 1987 - January 22 - Letter From Greg Trainor To County Administrator Gordon Tiffany Re: 1987 Sewer Fund Budget - Needs To Formally Adopted by The Commissioners as Indicated by Steve Clark of Boettcher & Co Office of the City Clerk 29.3 KB HISTORY/584
Sewer - 1987 - January 29 - Memo From Mark Harvey, Boettcher & Co. To Greg Trainor, Jack Morgan, Gordon Tiffany, Steve Clark and Dave Hahn (Intitial Working Group, Mesa County Sewer Revenue Refunding) Office of the City Clerk 735.1 KB HISTORY/585
Sewer - 1987 - February 04 - Sewer and Management Workshop. Notes From The Workshop at Which The Following Issues Were Discussed: ISDS (Individual Sewage Disposal Systems - Septic Systems); The Legal Role of The Health Department With Respect To Sewer Office of the City Clerk 57.0 KB HISTORY/586
Sewer - 1987 - February 16 - Mesa County Sewer Group - Agenda. This Document Contains: A Summary of The Situation (Including A General Chronology and A Summary of Current Actions) Office of the City Clerk 36.1 KB HISTORY/587
Sewer - 1987 - February 19 - Letter From Mark Achen To Steve Clark, Boettcher & Co., - City Does Not Believe That Refinancing The Bonds Is Appropriate at This Time for Stated Reasons Office of the City Clerk 42.5 KB HISTORY/588