City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1987 - February 24 - Letter From Timothy J. Carlson, P. E. To Dr. Cianko, Mesa County Health Department Re: Recommendation That A Permit for Construction of A Leach Field at 527 Foy Drive Be Issued and That The Redlands Village Area Was Designed Office of the City Clerk 22.9 KB HISTORY/589
Sewer - 1987 - April 08 - Letter From Donald Bieber, Lamm and Edstrom, Attorneys, To City and County, et al With Draft Preliminary Official Statement, 1987 Sewer Revenue Bonds. With Attached 4/9/87 Letter and Draft Preliminary Starement. (Contains Office of the City Clerk 2.0 MB HISTORY/590
Sewer - 1987 - April 17 - Memo From Greg Trainor To Jim Shanks Re: Quarterly Report, First Quarter 1987: Wastewater, A Status Report as To The Entire System. Note This Analysis of The Collection System Based On Miles of System Within The 201 Area and Office of the City Clerk 174.7 KB HISTORY/591
Sewer - 1987 - April 27 - Memo From George Cianko, Mesa County Health Department, Environmental Health Officer To Bennett Boeschenstein, Planning Department Re: Notice On ISDS Permits (Septic Systems). The Notice Puts The Purchaser of The Septic System Office of the City Clerk 25.5 KB HISTORY/592
Sewer - 1987 - May 01 - Chronology of County-City Sewer Relationships (During The Period 12/76 To 5/87 Together With Notes Comments and Questions Regarding The Joint Sewerage Service Agreement of 5/1/80 and Reference To MCM80-154 and MCA84-85, 4/24/85. Office of the City Clerk 47.5 KB HISTORY/593
Sewer - 1987 - May 01 - Mark Eckert's Memo Re: Status and Analysis of County-City Sewer Relationships: Chronology, Review of Pertinent Contracts and Related Documents. Apparently Prepared by Mr. Eckert for Distribution With County Staff And Commissioners Office of the City Clerk 240.9 KB HISTORY/594
Sewer - 1987 - May 05 - Letter From Greg Trainor To Gordon Tiffany, County Administragtor, Re: Sewer Fund Quarterly Report - The City Is Concerned With The Apparent Disparate Approach as To The Sewer System as Between The County Commissioners and The Office of the City Clerk 62.8 KB HISTORY/595
Sewer - 1987 - May 11 - Letter From John Krizman, CGVSD, To Greg Trainor, Expressing Concern Over Increases In Sewer Rates Charged, Requesting Copies of Audit Reports, List of Capital Expenditures, Expenditures Related To Line Maintenance, Areas of Lines Office of the City Clerk 41.1 KB HISTORY/596
Sewer - 1987 - May 18 - Memorandum From Gordon Tiffany To Mark Eckert Requesting A Status Report Regarding The Staff's Recommendations Regarding The Appropriate Future Role With The County Government and The Persigo Sewer System Office of the City Clerk 18.3 KB HISTORY/597
Sewer - 1987 - May 21 - Memo from Steve Defeyter to Mesa County Health Department Environmental Health Staff Re: MCM80-49, 03/26/80 Joint Ordinance and Resolution; A First Reaction to the Re-discovery of this Agreement (title continued in Notes field) Office of the City Clerk 41.9 KB HISTORY/598
Sewer - 1987 - June 01 - Memorandum (Undated and Unsigned) Entitled Persigo Wash Sewer Treatment Plant Problem Analysis. (I Believe This Document Was Created In Relation To The June 1987 Effort by The County Entitled Wastewater Facility Review Board - Office of the City Clerk 190.5 KB HISTORY/599
Sewer - 1987 - June 02 - Handwritten Notes (Apparently From A Blue Notebook In The County Documents Out of Box 2, The Notebooks Is Entitled Sewer Issues, June 1987 Engineering Office of the City Clerk 69.2 KB HISTORY/600
Sewer - 1987 - June 12 - Memo From Dr. George Cianko To Members of The Wastewater Facility Review Board Re: Duties and Responsibilites, County Vs. City Setting Fourth Problem Areas and Questions To Be Answered Office of the City Clerk 38.6 KB HISTORY/601
Sewer - 1987 - June 15 - Memo From Bennett, Boeschenstein, and Martha Teas (Mesa County Planning Department) To Admistrator Gordon Tiffany and Assistant Administrator Mark Eckert Re: Reprogramming Sewer Fund Money Office of the City Clerk 67.2 KB HISTORY/602
Sewer - 1987 - June 26 - Letter From Larry Beckner with Check for CGVSD Portion of Rebate Office of the City Clerk 97.4 KB HISTORY/603