City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1994 - January 03 - Letter From James Shanks To Art Crawford Enclosing Letter Received From Doralyn Genova, Stating Doralyn Genova Had Been at 12/6 Meeting With Fruitvale Board and Several City Council Member and Agreed Arrears Should Office of the City Clerk 36.4 KB HISTORY/619
Sewer - 1994 - January 11 - Letter From Mike Casey, County Administrator To Henry Rider Acknowledging Receipt of Petitions for The Construction of A Sewer Line In The Rosevale Area With Attached Petition. [County File "Sewer 1990-1994"] Office of the City Clerk 130.9 KB HISTORY/620
Sewer - 1994 - January 11 - Letter From Mike Casey, County Administrator, To Mark Achen, Stating Customers Should Not Be Penalized for An Error by The Operating Parties and Discussion Whether Or Not City Should Compensate The Fund Should Be Office of the City Clerk 47.6 KB HISTORY/621
Sewer - 1994 - January 12 - Letter from Joe Crocker, County Public Works Director to Henry Rider re: Petitions for Sewer Line Extension for Rosevale Area, Acknowledging Receipt of Petitions. [County File "Sewer 1990-1994"] Office of the City Clerk 44.2 KB HISTORY/622
Sewer - 1994 - January 18 - Letter From Mark Achen To J. Michael Casey Stating County's Response Re Outstanding Arrears of Fruitvale Is Disappointing, Stating as Long as County Chose To Make The Arrears A Matter of Contention, City Has No Cho Office of the City Clerk 38.0 KB HISTORY/623
Sewer - 1994 - January 18 - Letter From James Shanks To Art Crawford, Transmitting Letter From J. Michael Casey, Recounting That Doralyn Genova, at The 12/6 Meeting, Had Agreed Not To Collect The Billing Arrears, Saying She Had Talked To The Office of the City Clerk 33.1 KB HISTORY/624
Sewer - 1994 - January 18 - Letter from Commissioners Crouch, Genova and Spehar to Tony Medrano, Chief Programs Operation Section, Municipal Facilities Branch EPA re: Valle Vista Subdivision Inquiring Concerning the EPA's Involvement in the Controversy Office of the City Clerk 110.8 KB HISTORY/625
Sewer - 1994 - January 24 - Notes of Commissioners actions on Agenda items re: Rosevale Jetty Project. [County File "Sewer 1990-1994"] Office of the City Clerk 50.3 KB HISTORY/626
Sewer - 1994 - January 25 - Letter from Commissioner Crouch to Peggy Galligan, Project Administrator, Colorado Department of Health re: Valle Vista Sewer Line Extension. Office of the City Clerk 77.7 KB HISTORY/627
Sewer - 1994 - January 26 - Letter from Emery Johnson, US Department of Agriculture, soil Conservation Service, District Conservationist to Dwain Watson, CDOH re: Valle Vista Interceptor-If Federal Funds Are To Be Used To Construct The Sewer Line, Office of the City Clerk 52.5 KB HISTORY/628
Sewer - 1994 - January 26 - Letter from Dwain P. Watson, Colorado Department of Health Water Quality Control Division, West Slope District Technician to Commissioner Crouch re: Valle Vista Interceptor-Confirming A Conversation On 1/25/94 Office of the City Clerk 45.1 KB HISTORY/629
Sewer - 1994 - January 26 - Letter from Jack McGraw, EPA to Daniel Law, Executive Director of CWR&PDA re: Notice of Noncompliance. The CDOH Did Not Conduct An Environmental Assessment in Accordance with the Operating Agreement for Activities Office of the City Clerk 152.6 KB HISTORY/630
Sewer - 1994 - January 28 - Fax transmission cover sheet from Larry Beckner to Lyle Dechant re: Valle Vista Enclosing Two Forms of Letter for The County's Signature "as The Owner of The Plant". Office of the City Clerk 43.0 KB HISTORY/631
Sewer - 1994 - January 28 - Letter from John Crouch to Duane Watson, Colorado Department of Health re: Valle Vista Interceptor Sewer Stating That The Persigo Plant Has Plenty of Capacity To Handle the Valle Vista Expansion and Certifying that the County Office of the City Clerk 46.6 KB HISTORY/632
Sewer - 1994 - February 07 - Letter From Dwain Watson, CDOH To US Fish and Wildlife Service Confirming Proposed OMSD Sewer Line - Poses No Environmental Impact. [City Utility Files] Office of the City Clerk 36.6 KB HISTORY/633