City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1994 - February 07 - Letter From Dwain Watson, CDOH, To Colordo Division of Wildlife Confirming Propsoed Valle Vista OMSD Sewer Line Proses No Enviornmental Impact. [City Utility Files] Office of the City Clerk 50.6 KB HISTORY/634
Sewer - 1994 - February 08 - Letter from Jim Shanks to Duane Watson, Colorado Deptment of Health re: Valle Vista Sewer: Address Ownership Issue, Management Issue, Plant Capacity, Land Use Control Issues, and Expansion of The 201 Issues. [Achen's Files] Office of the City Clerk 140.9 KB HISTORY/635
Sewer - 1994 - February 11 - CDOH-Water Quality Control Division-"Interoffice Communication" re: Valle Vista Sewer Line Author-Dick Bowman. Historical Discussion and Recommendation for Most Cost Effective Solution Office of the City Clerk 211.6 KB HISTORY/636
Sewer - 1994 - February 16 - Letter From Peggy Galligan, Project Administrator, Financial Assistance Programs, WQCD, CDOH, To Commissioner Crouch Proposing Questions To The Commissioners Regarding The Concerns Expressed by The East Valley Office of the City Clerk 41.0 KB HISTORY/637
Sewer - 1994 - February 28 - Letter from Commissioner Crouch to Richard Long, Branch Chief, Municipal Facilities Branch EPA re: Wastewater Treatment Facilities for Valle Vista Subdivision; Letter Complains Regarding EPA's Changing Positions Office of the City Clerk 49.0 KB HISTORY/638
Sewer - 1994 - March 02 - Letter From Peggy Galligan, Project Admin-Financial Assistance Program, WQCD of CDOH To Robert Elsberry, OMSD, Authorizing An Award of A Construction Contract To MA Concrete Construction, Inc. - Valle Vista. Office of the City Clerk 37.1 KB HISTORY/639
Sewer - 1994 - March 09 - Letter From Allan M. (Mac) Williams To Commissioner Crouch, OMSD and The City Containing Mr. Williams' "demand for Preparation of An Environmental Impact Statement". Relative To The Valle Vista Sewer Interceptor. Office of the City Clerk 107.1 KB HISTORY/640
Sewer - 1994 - March 11 - Letter From Colorado Department Resources & Power Development Authority To Jack Rychecky, EPA Documenting The Termination of The Loan Agreement Between The Authority and OMSD So That No Federal Funds Would Be Office of the City Clerk 173.1 KB HISTORY/641
Sewer - 1994 - March 15 - Letter from Commissioner Crouch to Peggy Galligan, Colorado Department of Health, re: Response To 2/26/94 Letter Concerning The East Valley Citizens Association. [County File-persigo-stack4] Office of the City Clerk 62.7 KB HISTORY/642
Sewer - 1994 - March 16 - Letter To Allen M. (Mac) Williams From Commissioner Crouch-The EIS Demand Has Been Referred To The County Attorney. [County File-Persigo-Stack 4] Office of the City Clerk 29.6 KB HISTORY/643
Sewer - 1994 - March 16 - The City Resolution No. 19-94 Adoping The Municipal Annexation Plan for The City of Grand Junction-1994 as Required by C. R. S. 31-12-101, Et Seq. (Resolution and Attached Plan) Office of the City Clerk 344.0 KB HISTORY/644
Sewer - 1994 - April 12 - Letter from Bill Cheney, City Utility Engineer to Joe Crocker, Mesa County Public Works Director re: Youngstreet Sewer Trunkline Extension for Residents of The Linda Subdivision Office of the City Clerk 30.3 KB HISTORY/645
Sewer - 1994 - April 13 - Memo from Dan Wilson and Greg Trainor to City Council and Mark Achen with copies to, amoung others, Mike Casey, re: Proposed Section 4 "System Expansion" of The Sewer Rules and Regulations. Office of the City Clerk 370.9 KB HISTORY/646
Sewer - 1994 - April 13 - Memorandum to Grand Junction City Council and Mark K. Achen, City Manager, from Dan Wilson, City Attorney and Greg Trainor, Utility Manager, re: Sewer Regulations Office of the City Clerk 26.0 KB HISTORY/647
Sewer - 1994 - May 06 - Letter to City Council from Larry Beckner re: CGVSD Line Maintenance Agreement. [052-attached To 5/17/(94) Handwritten Note] Office of the City Clerk 44.8 KB HISTORY/648