City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1977 - August 25 - Letter From Karl Henrichsen HDR To Evan Dildine Technical Secretary Office of the City Clerk 40.0 KB HISTORY/679
Sewer - 1977 - August 26 - Second Notice of Sewer Tap Fee Due Re: Paridise Hills Residents Office of the City Clerk 41.0 KB HISTORY/680
Sewer - 1977 - August 31 - Speed Message From Duane Jensen To Karl Hendrickson, HDR, Enclosing Step III EPA Federal Grant Application , as Well as Amendment To Engineering Agreement Office of the City Clerk 54.1 KB HISTORY/681
Sewer - 1977 - September 13 - Letter From Evan Dildine , Colo. Dept. of Health, To Edward Carpenter, Plateau Engineering, Advising Request To Address Commission Scheduled for 10/4/77 Office of the City Clerk 29.5 KB HISTORY/682
Sewer - 1977 - September 14 - District Engineer Comments Concerning Application for Site Approval Office of the City Clerk 138.4 KB HISTORY/683
Sewer - 1977 - September 15 - Minutes of Valley Wide Sewer Committee Meeting Office of the City Clerk 48.8 KB HISTORY/684
Sewer - 1977 - September 20 - Colo. Dept of Health, Inter-office Communication From Jon Scherschigt To Jeb Love, Re Efffluent Limitation for GJ Office of the City Clerk 20.5 KB HISTORY/685
Sewer - 1977 - October 03 - Letter From Ed Carpenter Plateau Engineering Inc. To Dick Bowman CDOH Office of the City Clerk 31.7 KB HISTORY/686
Sewer - 1977 - October 05 - Letter From Fred Matter and Roger H. Smades, Colorado Dept. of Health, To City of GJ and Mesa County, Advising Site Application No. 2470 for 12.5 MGD. Activated Sludge Plant Tabled Until Ultimate Schedule for Area 201 Is Office of the City Clerk 25.5 KB HISTORY/687
Sewer - 1977 - October 18 - Memo From City Utility Account Supervisor To City Finance Directior Office of the City Clerk 167.4 KB HISTORY/688
Sewer - 1977 - October 19 - HDR Memo From J. P. Horst To Bill Bredar/karl Henrichsen,reporting On Meeting With Laren Morrill of Water Conservation Board, Re Implications of Colorado River Salinity Standards Re Land Application System for Grand Junction Office of the City Clerk 37.0 KB HISTORY/689
Sewer - 1977 - October 25 - HDR Consolidated Overhead History 5/31/75-5/31/77 Office of the City Clerk 78.2 KB HISTORY/690
Sewer - 1977 - November 01 - Oil Shale Trust Fund Request by City and County To Complete Design of Regional Sewage Treatment Plant Office of the City Clerk 14.6 KB HISTORY/691
Sewer - 1977 - November 02 - Letter From Laren Morrill, Colo. Water Conservation Board, To John Horst, HDR, Discussing Problems In Proposal for Land Application of Treated Wastewater Effluent for Irrigation of Crops In Grand Valley Due To Salinity Standa Office of the City Clerk 44.7 KB HISTORY/692
Sewer - 1977 - November 04 - City of GJ Memo From Duane Jensen To John Tasker Re: Valley Wide Sewer Project Office of the City Clerk 24.8 KB HISTORY/693