City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1977 - December 01 - Colorado West Area 208 Plan Draft Office of the City Clerk 181.6 KB HISTORY/694
Sewer - 1977 - December 01 - Letter From Lawrence Kozisek To Evan Dildyne Re:advise All Local Input Compiled and Ready for Appearence On 12/06/77 Office of the City Clerk 63.6 KB HISTORY/695
Sewer - 1977 - December 06 - Mesa County Information for Presentation To The 'J. B. C. '. [Joint Budget Committee?] Part of The 12/6/77 Presentation by Patterson, Roland and Kozisek Office of the City Clerk 24.3 KB HISTORY/696
Sewer - 1977 - December 08 - City of GJ Memo From Duane Jensen To File Re: 12/06/77 Trip To Denver Office of the City Clerk 20.6 KB HISTORY/697
Sewer - 1977 - December 09 - Letter From Jonathan Love, Colo. Dept. of Health, To Karl Henrichsen, HDR, Listing Topics that Require Attention Re Treatment Alternatives for City of GJ Office of the City Clerk 54.2 KB HISTORY/698
Sewer - 1977 - December 12 - Power of Attorney and Sewerage Service Office of the City Clerk 279.1 KB HISTORY/699
Sewer - 1977 - December 15 - State of Colorado Federal Construction Grant Priority System and Grand Administration Procedures Office of the City Clerk 2.1 MB HISTORY/700
Sewer - 1977 - December 22 - Daily Sentinel Article "City Halts Sewer Taps In Suburbs" Office of the City Clerk 32.2 KB HISTORY/701
Sewer - 1978 - January 03 - Water Quality Control Commission (Agenda for Meeting) Office of the City Clerk 62.0 KB HISTORY/702
Sewer - 1978 - January 04 - Agreement for Professional Services Between Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk and City of Grand Junction and Mesa County Re O. M. Landfill Site Development and Operation Plan [Part One] and Solid Waste Management Planning at Office of the City Clerk 141.3 KB HISTORY/703
Sewer - 1978 - January 10 - Letter From James Franklin, HDR, To Emery Bradbury, Maintenance, Requesting Permits From Colo. Hwy. Dept for Permit for City To Open Cut Underneath I-70 at River Road, Re River Road Interceptor Sewer, Paradise Hills Office of the City Clerk 43.9 KB HISTORY/704
Sewer - 1978 - January 23 - Undated Letter Proposal From John Shepherd, Dwyer-Shepherd Engineers, To City of GJ to Make Boundary Survey of Property Conveyed From Elton and Leila Crow To The City, Approved by City, [Date Stamped Rec'd 01/23/78 Office of the City Clerk 32.0 KB HISTORY/705
Sewer - 1978 - January 24 - 1) EPA Comments and Questions On Grand Junction Project 2) Minutes Valley Wide Sewer Committee Meeting Office of the City Clerk 302.2 KB HISTORY/706
Sewer - 1978 - January 25 - Letter From Evan Dildine Colo Dept of Health To Mayor Lawrence Kozisek and City Council Office of the City Clerk 69.1 KB HISTORY/707
Sewer - 1978 - January 26 - Letter From Jonathan Love Colorado Dept of Health To Duane Jensen Office of the City Clerk 29.7 KB HISTORY/708