City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1984 - April 03 - Resolution No. 1 of OMSD Establishing An Industrial Pretreatment Program by Concurrence In and Adoption of The City of Grand Junction's Program and Providing for Delegation of Program Administration and Enforcement Authority To Office of the City Clerk 60.6 KB HISTORY/79
Sewer - 1984 - April 09 - Supplemental Sewer Service Agreement Between CGVSD and City Office of the City Clerk 50.9 KB HISTORY/80
Sewer - 1984 - May 03 - Letter From Ralph Sterry To Colorado Depatment of Health, Listing Names and Titles Designated by The City To File and Sign Reports for Persigo Plant Office of the City Clerk 44.0 KB HISTORY/81
Sewer - 1984 - December 30 - Memo To Board of County Commissioners From Eric Damian Kelly Re: Arrangements for Sewer System Management Office of the City Clerk 90.9 KB HISTORY/82
Sewer - 1984 - December 30 - Recommendations for Sewer Service Policy In Mesa County (A White Paper Presented by The County Staff To The County Commissioners) Office of the City Clerk 114.9 KB HISTORY/83
Sewer - 1985 - March 11 - Memo From Randy Swepston, Mesa County Health Department To Ralph Sterry, City Utilities Re: Grease and Sand Trap Disposal at Persigo - Options and How To Proceed Office of the City Clerk 42.0 KB HISTORY/84
Sewer - 1985 - March 15 - Memo From Emily Whittum, Industrial Pretreatment Contract Personnel To Ralph Sterry Re: Illegal Industrial Pretreated Sludge Dumped by Coors/Cloyd at Persigo During February, 1985 Office of the City Clerk 37.6 KB HISTORY/85
Sewer - 1985 - March 19 - Letter To Peggy Galligan, CDOH/WQD From Jim Patterson Advising The Construction Was Complete The Plant Is Operating Successfully and Requesting A Final Inspection So That The Project and Grant Can Be Closed Office of the City Clerk 27.3 KB HISTORY/86
Sewer - 1985 - March 20 - Letter To Mr. James Patterson, City Utilities Director, From Colorado Department of Health, Re Federal Sewage Works Grant CO-80337-26, Step 3, Mesa County / City of Grand Junction Office of the City Clerk 35.9 KB HISTORY/87
Sewer - 1985 - May 29 - City of GJ Memo From Mark Achen To John Tasker Requesting Status of ARIX Recommendations Re Sewer Rates Office of the City Clerk 23.3 KB HISTORY/88
Sewer - 1985 - December 01 - Memo From Tom Douville Mesa County Health Department To Gordon Tiffany, County Administrator, Re: Recovering Costs of Persigo Monitoring Through Sewer Fund Office of the City Clerk 19.2 KB HISTORY/89
Sewer - 1987 - July 27 - Memo From George Cianko, Environmental Health, Mesa County Department To Mark Eckert Office of the City Clerk 27.8 KB HISTORY/90
Sewer - 1934 - Sewer Plants Handwritten Schedule Office of the City Clerk 82.0 KB HISTORY/91
Sewer - 1971 - Utility Plants Annual Report Office of the City Clerk 291.6 KB HISTORY/92
Sewer - 1972 - Facility Plan Mesa County CO and Water Sewer Office of the City Clerk 208.4 KB HISTORY/93